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TU Chemnitz - Forschungszentrum MAIN - Rosenbergstr. 6 - 09126 Chemnitz


Scheduled events

The events are planned in presence, hybrid, or online format. All MAIN members, affiliates, and cooperation partners are warmly invited. Interested external individuals are asked to contact the MAIN Management Office (phone 0371/531-20100, e-mail service@main.tu-chemnitz.de) well before. Access credentials and event locations will be announced when registering or can be found in the regular MAIN newsletter. 

MAIN User Forum Thursday, 08.08.2024

  • Event 10:45 Uhr (in German language) and 13:00 hrs (in English language) (online, duration: ca. 45 Minuten):
    • Speakers: MAIN Management Office
    • Topic: Annual Safety Instructions for Access to and Usage of the General Areas at Research Center MAIN
    • This event is held online: mytuc.org/mnry (BBB room MAIN-Veranstaltungen)

Planned Events

MAIN Focus Day on Monday, November 18, 2024

  • Event 4:30 p.m. (hybrid):
    • Speaker: Dr. Christian Hagelüken (Expert on Metals Recycling and Circular Economy, formerly Umicore AG, Hanau, DE) 
    • Topic: Circular Economy: Perspectives for the Future Electronics and Beyond (in English)
    • Venue: MAIN Research Center, Rosenbergstr. 6, 09126 Chemnitz, Room C50.001-002 (MAIN Conference Room)
  • Event 7:00 p.m. (to be defined):
    • Speaker: Dr. Christian Hagelüken (Expert on Metals Recycling and Circular Economy, formerly Umicore AG, Hanau, DE) 
    • Topic: Closing Metal Cycles Sustainably – Opportunities and Challenges for a Successful Circular Economy (in German)
    • Venue: to be defined
  • Contact: via MAIN Management Office (phone 0371/531-20100, e-mail: service@main.tu-chemnitz.de)
    • External parties interested in in-person participation please register by the day before at the MAIN Management Office (e-mail: service@main.tu-chemnitz.de, phone: 0371/531-20100).

MAIN Focus Day Microbatteries (Date to be announced)

  • Event Time to be announced (hybrid):
    • Speaker: Prof. Dr. Jennifer L. M. Rupp FRSC (TU Munich, Faculty of Chemistry, Professorship for Solid State Electrolytes, Munich, Germany)
    • Topic: Solid-State Lithium Conductors and Batteries
    • Venue: MAIN Research Center, Rosenbergstr. 6, 09126 Chemnitz, Room C50.001-002 (MAIN Conference Room)
  • The event will be conducted as an in-person event with an online component.
    • Contact: Dr. Minshen Zhu (phone 0371/531-38517, e-mail: minshen.zhu@main.tu-chemnitz.de)

Event History

MAIN Lecture Tuesday, 27.02.2024

  • Event 2:00 p.m. (hybrid):
    • Speaker: Prof. Kai Zhang (University of Göttingen, Faculty of Forest Sciences and Forest Ecology, Göttingen, DE)
    • Topic: Integrating Wood-Derived Sustainable Compounds of Various Dimensions into Functional Materials
    • Venue: MAIN Research Center, Rosenbergstr. 6, 09126 Chemnitz, Room C50.001-002 (MAIN Conference Room)
  • This event is jointly organized by the MAIN Research Center and the Institute of Physics as part of the TUCculture2025 project "Chemnitz: Wood, Light, and Sound".
    • Contact: Dr. Thomas Blaudeck (phone 0371/531-35610, e-mail: thomas.blaudeck@main.tu-chemnitz.de) and Dr. Minshen Zhu (phone 0371/531-38517, e-mail: minshen.zhu@etit.tu-chemnitz.de)
    • External parties interested in in-person participation please register by the day before at the MAIN office (e-mail: service@main.tu-chemnitz.de, phone: 0371/531-20100).

MAIN Lecture Wednesday, 15.05.2024

  • Seminar Series "Theory, Modelling, Simulation" 09:15 hrs (hybrid, upon invitation):
    • Speaker: Prof. Rudolf A. Römer (University of Warwick, Department of Physics, Warwick, UK)
    • Topic: Applications of Machine Learning in Physics via Three Examples: Percolation, Ising-type Models and Large-angle Convergent Beam Electron Diffraction
    • Venue: Forschungszentrum MAIN, Rosenbergstr. 6, 09126 Chemnitz, Raum C50.001-002 (MAIN-Konferenzraum) & Webroom (Access upon registration)
  • This event is jointly organized by the research groups of Theoretical Physics and Research Center MAIN in the framework of the Event Series "Theory, Modelling, Simulation".
    • Contact: Prof. Dr. Sybille Gemming und Prof. Dr. Martin Weigel
    • Anyone external interested in participation please register with MAIN Management Office (email: service@main.tu-chemnitz.de, phone 0371/531-20100).

MAIN Lecture Wednesday, 22.05.2024

  • Seminar Series "Theory, Modelling, Simulation" 09:15 hrs (hybrid, upon invitation):
    • Speaker: Dr. Jörg Martin (Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nano Systems [Fraunhofer ENAS], Research Group Optical Components and Systems, Chemnitz, DE)
    • Topic: Design and Characterisation of nanolithographic optical Waveguides, Resonators, and Couplers for Applications in Sensing, Photonics (and Quantum Technologies)
    • Venue: Forschungszentrum MAIN, Rosenbergstr. 6, 09126 Chemnitz, Raum C50.001-002 (MAIN-Konferenzraum) & Webroom (Access upon registration)
  • This event is jointly organized by the research groups of Theoretical Physics and Research Center MAIN in the framework of the Event Series "Theory, Modelling, Simulation".
    • Contact: Prof. Dr. Sybille Gemming und Dr. Jörg Schuster
    • Anyone external interested in participation please register with MAIN Management Office (email: service@main.tu-chemnitz.de, phone 0371/531-20100).

MAIN Focus Day Quantum Dots on Thursday, January 18, 2024

  • MAIN Research Seminar 1:00 p.m. (hybrid)
    • Speaker: Dr. Oleksandr Selyshchev (TU Chemnitz, MAIN Research Professorship in Semiconductor Physics)
    • Topic: Green-Chemistry Ag-In-S Quantum Dots: from Aqueous Colloidal Solutions to Thin Films
      and Photodetector Applications
    • Venue: MAIN Research Center, Rosenbergstr. 6, 09126 Chemnitz, Room C50.001-002 (MAIN Conference Room)
  • MAIN Research Seminar 1:45 p.m. (hybrid)
    • Speaker: Dr. Jörg Martin (Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nano Systems [Fraunhofer ENAS], Research Group Optical Components and Systems, Chemnitz, DE)
    • Topic: From Nano to Quantum: Colloidal Quantum Dots as Key Elements of Modern Sensing Technology
    • Venue: MAIN Research Center, Rosenbergstr. 6, 09126 Chemnitz, Room C50.001-002 (MAIN Conference Room)
    • Opportunity for scientific discussion with the speakers and poster presenters 2:30 p.m. in front of the venue room
  • Physics Colloquium 3:30 p.m. (in-person):
    • Speaker: Dr. Oleksandr Stroyuk (Research Center Jülich GmbH, Germany)
    • Topic: Exciting World of Quantum Dots: A Chemist's Perspective
    • Venue: Central Lecture Hall Building, Reichenhainer Str. 90, 09126 Chemnitz, Room C10.013 (zero-thirteen)
    • Opportunity for scientific discussion with the speakers 3:15 p.m. in front of the venue room 
  • The event day is jointly organized by the MAIN Research Center and the Institute of Physics.
    • Contact: Dr. Thomas Blaudeck (phone 0371/531-35610, e-mail: thomas.blaudeck@main.tu-chemnitz.de), Prof. Thomas Otto (phone 0371/531-36650, e-mail: thomas.otto@etit.tu-chemnitz.de) and Prof. Dr. Dietrich R. T. Zahn (phone 0371/531-33036, e-mail: zahn@physik.tu-chemnitz.de)
    • In order to plan for adequate room capacity, external individuals interested in an in-person participation in the lectures marked by * are kindly asked to register their intended presence up to the day before with the MAIN Management Office (e-mail: service@main.tu-chemnitz.de, phone: 0371/531-20100).

MAIN User Forum Thursday, 30.05.2024

  • Event 10:45 Uhr (in German language) and 13:00 hrs (in English language) (online, duration: ca. 45 Minuten):
    • Speakers: MAIN Management Office
    • Topic: Annual Safety Instructions for Access to and Usage of the General Areas at Research Center MAIN
    • This event is held online: mytuc.org/mnry (BBB room MAIN-Veranstaltungen)

MAIN Research Seminar on Wednesday, January 24, 2024

  • Event 2:00 p.m. (hybrid):
    • Speaker: Dr. Christoph Meinecke and Dr. Martin Möbius (TU Chemnitz, Center for Microtechnologies, Chemnitz, DE)
    • Topic: Scale-bridging Integration Concepts for Biological Nanostructures as Enablers for Novel Optoelectronic and Computational Applications
    • Venue: MAIN Research Center, Rosenbergstr. 6, 09126 Chemnitz, Room C50.001-002 (MAIN Conference Room)
  • This event is jointly organized by the MAIN Research Center and the Center for Microtechnologies as part of the EU Horizon Europe project GREENER.
    • Contact: Prof. Thomas Otto (phone 0371/531-36650, e-mail: thomas.otto@etit.tu-chemnitz.de) and Dipl.-Chem. Julia Hann (phone 0371/531-34156, e-mail: julia.hann@zfm.tu-chemnitz.de)
    • External parties interested in in-person participation please register by the day before at the MAIN office (e-mail: service@main.tu-chemnitz.de, phone: 0371/531-20100).

MAIN Research Seminar on Wednesday, January 24, 2024

  • Seminar "Theory, Modeling, Simulation" and MAIN Research Seminar 09:15 a.m. (by invitation):
    • Speaker: Dr. Carsten Schubert (ICM - Institut Chemnitzer Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e.V)
    • Topic: From Classical Multibody Dynamics to Load Simulation of Wind Tubines - A Brief Overview
    • Format: hybrid (BBB-Webroom)
    • External participants interested in attending in person are requested to register by the day before at the MAIN office (Email: service@main.tu-chemnitz.de, Phone: 0371/531-20100)
  • The event is held in cooperation between the Institute of Physics and the MAIN Research Center as part of the TUCculture2025 project "Chemnitz - Wood, Light, and Sound".
    • Contact: Prof. Dr. Angela Thränhardt (phone 0371/531-37636, e-mail: angela.thraenhardt@physik.tu-chemnitz.de), Prof. Dr. Ulrich T. Schwarz (phone 0371/531-30001, e-mail: ulrich.schwarz@physik.tu-chemnitz.de) and Dr. Thomas Blaudeck (phone 0371/531-35610, e-mail: thomas.blaudeck@main.tu-chemnitz.de)

MAIN Research Seminar on Tuesday, January 30, 2024

  • Event 4:00 p.m. (hybrid):
    • Speaker: ChA Prof. Dr. Matthias Kirsch (Klinikum Chemnitz GmbH, Department of Neurosurgery)
    • Topic: Optical vibrational spectroscopic imaging for clinical neurosciences
    • Venue: MAIN Research Center, Rosenbergstr. 6, 09126 Chemnitz, Room C50.001-002 (MAIN Conference Room)
    • Contact: Prof. Dietrich R. T. Zahn (phone: 0371/531-33036, e-mail: zahn@physik.tu-chemnitz.de)
    • External parties interested in (in-person) participation please register by the day before at the MAIN office (e-mail: service@main.tu-chemnitz.de, phone: 0371/531-20100).

MAIN Research Seminar on Thursday, February 29, 2024

  • Event 2:00 p.m. (hybrid):
    • Speaker: Dr. Jörg Martin (Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nano Systems, Research Group Optical Components and Systems [Fraunhofer ENAS], Chemnitz, DE)
    • Topic: Infrared Spectroscopy
    • Venue: MAIN Research Center, Rosenbergstr. 6, 09126 Chemnitz, Room C50.001-002 (MAIN Conference Room)
  • This event is jointly organized by the MAIN Research Center and the Center for Microtechnologies as part of the EU Horizon Europe project GREENER.
    • Contact: Prof. Thomas Otto (phone 0371/531-36650, e-mail: thomas.otto@etit.zu-chemnitz.de) and Dipl.-Chem. Julia Hann (phone 0371/531-34156, e-mail: julia.hann@zfm.tu-chemnitz.de)
    • External parties interested in in-person participation please register by the day before at the MAIN office (e-mail: service@main.tu-chemnitz.de, phone: 0371/531-20100).

MAIN Research Seminar on Tuesday, March 12, 2024

  • Event 2:00 p.m. (hybrid):
    • Speaker: Prof. Aitziber Lopez Cortajarena (CIC biomaGUNE (ESP))
    • Topic: Engineering Advanced Biomolecule Nanomaterials for Sensing
  • This event is jointly organized by the MAIN Research Center and the Center for Microtechnologies as part of the EU Horizon Europe project GREENER.
    • Contact: Prof. Thomas Otto (phone 0371/531-36650, e-mail: thomas.otto@etit.zu-chemnitz.de) and Dipl.-Chem. Julia Hann (phone 0371/531-34156, e-mail: julia.hann@zfm.tu-chemnitz.de)
    • External parties interested in in-person participation please register by the day before at the MAIN office (e-mail: service@main.tu-chemnitz.de, phone: 0371/531-20100).

MAIN Research Seminar on Friday, April 19, 2024

  • Event 2:00 p.m. (hybrid):
    • Speaker: Laura Gemme, Ph. D. (Softjam Spa Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence, Genoa, Italy)
    • Topic: From Text to Formulas: Leveraging Large Language Models in Computational Chemistry
  • This event is co-hosted by the Research Center for Materials, Architectures and Integration of Nanomembranes (MAIN) and the Center for Microtechnologies (ZfM) as a part of the EU Horizon Europe Research & Innovation Action GREENER.
    • Hosts: Prof. Thomas Otto (phone 0371/531-36650, e-mail: thomas.otto@etit.zu-chemnitz.de) and Dipl.-Chem. Julia Hann (phone 0371/531-34156, e-mail: julia.hann@zfm.tu-chemnitz.de)
    • External parties interested in in-person participation please register by the day before at the MAIN Management Office (e-mail: service@main.tu-chemnitz.de, phone: 0371/531-20100).

MAIN Research Seminar Wednesday, 29.05.2024

  • Seninar Series "Theory, Modelling, Simulation" 09:15 hrs (hybrid, upon invitation):
    • Speaker: Dr. Christian Wiebeler (Institute of Physics, Augsburg University, Augsburg, DE)
    • Topic: Molecular Dynamics and Computational Spectroscopy for Systems in Soft Condensed Phases
    • Venue: Forschungszentrum MAIN, Rosenbergstr. 6, 09126 Chemnitz, Raum C50.001-002 (MAIN-Konferenzraum) & Webroom (Access upon registration)
  • This event is jointly organized by the research groups of Theoretical Physics and Research Center MAIN at Chemnitz Universtiy of Technology and DFG Cooperative Research Cluster Transregio "Hyperpolarization in Molecular Systems" (DFG-CRC-TRR 386) in the framework of the Seminar Series "Theory, Modelling, Simulation".
    • Contact: Prof. Dr. Sybille Gemming (phone 0371/531-38319)
    • Anyone external interested in participation please register with MAIN Management Office (email: service@main.tu-chemnitz.de, phone 0371/531-20100).

As of now, there are no MAIN PhD Seminars from 2024 yet to be archived.

Girls' Day @ MAIN Thursday, 25.04.2024

Upon invitation after registration (Programm)

TUCtag @ MAIN Saturday, 27.04.2024

For the interested public (Programm)


MAIN Lecture on Tuesday, January 24, 2023

  • Event at 1:15 p.m. (hybrid):
    • Speaker: Prof. Dr. med. Tjalf Ziemssen (University Hospital Carl Gustav Carus at Dresden University of Technology, Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Dresden, Germany)
    • Topic: Multiple Sclerosis Management 4.0 based on Digital Twins
    • Contact: Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt (phone 0371/531-36761, e-mail: oliver.schmidt@main.tu-chemnitz.de)

MAIN Lecture on Wednesday, July 12, 2023

  • Event 2:00 p.m. (hybrid):
    • Speaker: Prof. Dr. Chao Zhong (Center for Materials Synthetic Biology (CMSB), Institute of Synthetic Biology, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology SIAT, Chinese Academy of Sciences CAS, Beijing, China)
    • Topic: Engineered Living Materials Programmed by Life
    • Contact: Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt (phone 0371/531-36761, e-mail: oliver.schmidt@main.tu-chemnitz.de)

MAIN Lecture on Tuesday August 22, 2023

  • Event 2:00 p.m. (hybrid):
    • Speaker: Prof. Dr. Norman Packard European (Center for Living Technology, Venice, Italy and Daptics Inc, San Francisco, CA, USA)
    • Topic: Genelife: The Genetic Game of Life [PDF]
    • Contact: Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt (phone 0371/531-36761, e-mail: oliver.schmidt@main.tu-chemnitz.de)

MAIN Lecture on Monday, October 16, 2023

  • Event 2:00 p.m. (hybrid):
    • Speaker: Prof. Dr. Peter Schneider (Dresden University of Technology, Professorship Design Methods for Adaptive Microtechnical Systems, and Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits, Division of Adaptive Systems Development [Fraunhofer IIS-EAS], Dresden, DE)
    • Topic: Design Approaches for Miniaturization and Functional Integration in Electronics
    • Contact: Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt (phone 0371/531-36761, e-mail: oliver.schmidt@main.tu-chemnitz.de) and Prof. Dr. Harald Kuhn (phone 0371/531-33009, e-mail: harald.kuhn@zfm.tu-chemnitz.de)
    • # This event is jointly organized by Research Center MAIN and Center für Microtechnologies (ZfM) of Chemnitz University of Technology in co-operation with Fraunhofer Institute for Electronic Nano Systems (Fraunhofer ENAS), Chemnitz.

MAIN Lecture on Thursday, December 07, 2023

  • Event 2:00 p.m. (hybrid):
    • Speaker: Dr. Johann Cussey (General Manager at AUREA Technology, Besançon, France)
    • Topic: Single-Photon Technologies: From Quantum Telecommunication to Quantum Sensing
    • Venue: MAIN Research Center, Rosenbergstr. 6, 09126 Chemnitz, Room C50.001-002 (MAIN Conference Room)
  • This event is jointly organized by the MAIN Research Center and the Center for Microtechnologies as part of the EU Horizon Europe project GREENER. After the lecture, all participants are invited to visit and discuss research samples and demonstrators in a seasonal environment in front of the MAIN conference room.
    • Contact: Prof. Thomas Otto (phone 0371/531-36650, e-mail: thomas.otto@etit.zu-chemnitz.de) and Dipl.-Chem. Julia Hann (phone 0371/531-34156, e-mail: julia.hann@zfm.tu-chemnitz.de)
    • External parties interested in in-person participation please register by the day before at the MAIN office (e-mail: service@main.tu-chemnitz.de, phone: 0371/531-20100).

MAIN User Forum on Tuesday, April 04, 2023

  • Events at 1:00 p.m. and 3:30 p.m.:

    • Speaker: Members of the MAIN Management Office
    • Topic: Annual Safety Instructions for all MAIN Users
    • Venue: will be announced (tentatively hybrid)
    • Contact: MAIN Management Office (phone 0371/531-20100, e-mail: service@main.tu-chemnitz.de)

MAIN User Forum on Tuesday, May 02, 2023

  • Events at 1:00 p.m. and 3:30 p.m.:

    • Speaker: Members of the MAIN Management Office
    • Topic: Annual Safety Instructions for all MAIN Users
    • Venue: will be announced (tentatively hybrid)
    • Contact: MAIN Management Office (phone 0371/531-20100, e-mail: service@main.tu-chemnitz.de)

MAIN Focus Day Sound in marine habitats on Wednesday, May 31, 2023

  • Seminar "Theory, Modelling, Simulation" and MAIN Research Seminar 09:15 a.m. (upon invitation)
    • Speaker: Dr. Jeff Schnitzler (Veterinary University Hannover Foundation, Institute for Terrestrial and Aquatic Wildlife Research, Büsum)
    • Topic: Sound in Ocean: Noise Abatement in Offshore Wind Power Stations
    • Format: hybrid (BBB-Webroom)
    • Interested individuals from outside please register via e-mail (service@main.tu-chemnitz.de) no later than the day before.
  • Physics Colloquium 11:15 a.m. (public):
    • Speaker: Dr. Jeff Schnitzler (Veterinary University Hannover Foundation, Institute for Terrestrial and Aquatic Wildlife Research, Büsum)
    • Topic: Marine Biophysics: The Impact of Anthropogenic Sound on Marine Wildlife (in German)
    • Venue: Central Auditory Building, Reichenhainer Str. 90, 09126 Chemnitz, Room C10.013 (null-dreizehn)
  • The event takes place in cooperation between the Institute of Physics and the Research Center MAIN within the TUCculture2025 project "Chemnitz - Wood, Light and Sound".

MAIN User Forum on Tuesday, June 06, 2023

  • Events 1:00 pm & 3:30 pm (online):
    • Referent/in: Members of the MAIN Management Office
    • Topic: Annual Safety Instructions for all MAIN Users
    • Venue: will be announced (online)
    • Contact: MAIN Management Office(phone 0371/531-20100, e-mail: service@main.tu-chemnitz.de)

MAIN User Forum on Tuesday, June 06, 2023

  • Events 1:00 pm & 3:30 pm (online):
    • Referent/in: Members of the MAIN Management Office
    • Topic: Annual Safety Instructions for all MAIN Users
    • Venue: will be announced (online)
    • Contact: MAIN Management Office(phone 0371/531-20100, e-mail: service@main.tu-chemnitz.de)

TUCtag Saturday, June 03, 2023

  • Open House (Program):
    • Interactive:
      • 14:00 p.m. to 16:00 p.m.: Interactive at the Sculpture "Cognitive and Perception Model for Color Gamut" (Stefan Nestler) at the Central Auditory Building (ZHSG) at TU Chemnitz (Tobias Bollig, David Röhlig, Thomas Blaudeck)
    • The event takes place in cooperation between the Institute of Physics and the Research Center MAIN within the TUCculture2025 project "Chemnitz - Wood, Light and Sound".
  • Alumni Special (Program):
    • Guided Tour (duration ca 60-75 min):
      • 16:30 p.m.: The Engine Room of a Top-Notch Research Center - Guided Tour through the Building Services and Operational Systems (MAIN Technical Services, upon invitation)
    • Meeting Point: TUCalumni booth at the Central Auditorium Hall (C10), pedestrian tour to Research Center MAIN.
    • The package TUCalumni is compiled by the International Office (IUZ) .
  • Long Science Night (Program):
    • Lectures (Ort: MAIN-Konferenzraum C50.001-002, Dauer: ca. 25 Minuten)
      • 06:30 p.m.: Tinkering on the Nanometer Scale: from Japanese Folding Arts to High Technology for Mini Robots (Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt)
      • 07:30 p.m.: Quantum Dots: Nanocrystals with Glooming Future (Prof. Dr. Dietrich R. T. Zahn)
      • 08:30 p.m.: The World of Atomically Thin Membranes: Graphene and its Relatives (Dr. Jörg Schuster)
      • 10:30 p.m.: Biomolecules: A Functional Plethora for the Nanotechnologies (Dr. Christoph R. Meinecke)
    • Interactives (1800 to 2300 hrs on individual discretion)
      • C50.013 MAIN-Foyer
        • Hands On: Electronic Skin and the Smalles Microbatteries and Microrobots of the World (Dr. Minshen Zhu, Dr. Daniil Karnaushenko, Dr. Vineeth K. Bandari)
        • Bio-Nano Sensors and Bio-Nano Computers (Dipl.-Ing. Andreas Morschhauser)
      • C50.124 Science Garden 'Ficus lyrata'
        • The Research Building MAIN in Pictures: Architecture and Building Development (Dipl.-Ing. Paul Plocica using materials from the architect and technical planning)
    • Lab tours (07:00 p.m., 08:00 p.m., 09:00 p.m., 10:00 p.m., duration: ca. 20 min, outside the tours, the labs can be visited upon individual agreement)
      • C50.U06 Fluidic Approaches of Micro and Nano Electronics (Mathis Janßen)
      • C50.U11 Nanomembranes in Action: From Concepts to Applications (Dr. Vineeth K. Bandari)
      • C50.030 Behold the Invisible: Glimples of the Wonderful World of Nanostructures (Prof. Dr. Georgeta Salvan)
      • C50.136 Rotating spins, Flying Ions and Oxygen as Donor Vitae and Trouble Maker: Chemical Analysis of Molecular Membrane Materials (Dr. Marcus Weber)
      • C50.204 Electronics in One and Two Dimensions (Dr. Sascha Hermann)
      • C50.239 Shallow Dive into Virtual Nano Worlds: Research with Simulations on High-Performance Computers (Linda Jäckel)
    • Supporting program (06:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.)
      • C50.013 (MAIN-Foyer) (06:00 p.m. to 06:30 p.m., 07:20 p.m. to 07:30 p.m., 08:20 p.m. to 08:30 p.m., 09:30 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.)
        • MAIN rocks (Max Huber, Fabian Teichert, Kevin Preis)
    • The activities of the Long Science Night at Research Center MAIN are a heartful cooperation between many MAIN members and affiliates.

MAIN Research Seminar on Wednesday, June 14, 2023

  • Event 2:00 p.m. (hybrid):
    • Speaker: Dr. Haifeng Xu (Research Centre for Medical Robotics and minimally Invasive Surgical Devices Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology SIAT, Chinese Academy of Science CAS, Beijing, China)
    • Topic: Soft Microrobots: from Biohybrid to Artificial
    • Contact: Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt (phone 0371/531-36761, e-mail: oliver.schmidt@main.tu-chemnitz.de)

MAIN Research Seminar on Wednesday, September 20, 2023

  • Event 2:00 p.m. (hybrid):
    • Speaker: Huyue Chen (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Shanghai, PR China)
    • Topic: Small-scale Soft Robotics toward Physical Intelligence
    • Contact: Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt (phone 0371/531-36761, e-mail: oliver.schmidt@main.tu-chemnitz.de)

MAIN PhD Seminar on Tuesday September 19, 2023

  • Event 2:00 p.m. (hybrid):
    • Speaker: Yeji Lee (Chemnitz University of Technology, Research Center MAIN, Professorship Material Systems for Nanoelectronics, Chemnitz, DE)
    • Topic: Towards Powering the World of Microelectronics with Dust-Sized Energy Systems
    • Contact: Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt (phone 0371/531-36761, e-mail: oliver.schmidt@main.tu-chemnitz.de)

MAIN Annual Meeting on Tuesday, September 26, 2023

All MAIN members, affiliates, and cooperation partners are warmly invited. If you are interested in taking part, please contact MAIN Management Office (phone 0371/531-20100, e-mail service@main.tu-chemnitz.de) well before. The events are planned in presence or hybrid format. Access credentials will be disclosed upon request in the registration process.

Arrival (Venue: MAIN Foyer C50.013)

  • 12:30 p.m. Arrival to Site (Registration, Setup of Posters)

Opening and Talk Session (Venue: MAIN Conference Room C50.001-002)

  • 12:55 p.m. Welcome and Opening by the Scientific Director Prof. Oliver G. Schmidt
  • 1:00 p.m. Prof. Dr. Sibylle Gemming: "What Challenges do we meet when Simulating Nanomembranes"
  • 1:30 p.m. Prof. Dr. Georgeta Salvan: "Spin Hyperpolarization in Molecular Systems"

Poster Session (Venue: MAIN Foyer C50.013)

  • 2:00 p.m. Group photo (all participants)
  • 2:05 p.m. Start of Poster Session (Discussions ongoing until 4:00 p.m.)
    • P02: Soroosh Laleh, Amir Jafari Moghaddam, Sheila Augusto, Vineeth K. Bandari et al. "Intelligent Control of Micro Bots in Artificial Oviduct Equipped by Patch Clamp" (AG Schmidt & AG Zhu & AG Karnaushenko)
    • P04: Yaping Yan, Jiachen Ma et al. "Polymeric Protection for Stable Zn Anode" (AG Zhu & AG Schmidt)
    • P05: Wenlan Zhang, Hongmei Tang et al. "Micro-Origami Zn Battery" (AG Zhu & AG Schmidt)
    • P06: Zhe Qu et al. "Advanced Materials for On-Chip Integration" (AG Zhu & AG Schmidt)
    • P08: Gopinath Manoharan et al. "Force-Controlled Deposition of Colloidal Nanomaterials from Aqueous Dispersions" (AG Otto & AG Schulz & AG Zahn)
    • P09: Marcus Weber et al. "Electrospray Ionization Mass Spectrometry for Characterization of Doped Bismuth Oxido Nanoclusters" (AG Mehring)
    • P10: Vineeth K. Bandari et al. "Swiss-Roll Optoelectronic Devices Enable Micro Autonomous Systems  to Harvest, Illuminate and Image the World in 3D" (AG Schmidt & AG Karnaushenko)
    • P11: John S. McCaskill et al. <title will be given> (AG Schmidt & AG Karnaushenko & AG Zhu)
    • P12: Yevhenii Havrilyuk et al. "Influence of Thermal and Flash-Lamp Annealing on Optical and Thermoelectrical Properties of Cu2ZnSnS4 Nanocrystals" (AG Zahn)
    • P13: Lokesh Rasabathina et al. "Control of Magneto-optical Properties of Cobalt Layers by Adsorption of alpha-Helical Polyalanine Self-assembled Monolayers" (AG Hellwig & AG Salvan & AG Mehring & AG Schulz & AG Zahn)
    • P14: Olav Hellwig et al. "Tuning Magnetic Field Reversal Modes and Domain Structure in Perpendicular Anisotropy Synthetic Antiferromagnets" (AG Hellwig)
    • P16: Adrien Schäfer et al. "Photocatalysis vs. Adsorption: A Critical View on Photocatalytical Decomposition of Organic Dyes on MoS2" (AG Mehring)
    • P17: Pablo E. Saenz Rojas et al. "Nonlinear Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy for Cytokine Detection" (AG Karnaushenko & AG Schmidt)
    • P18: Leandro das Merces da Silva et al. "Dynamically Morphing Microelectronics towards Intelligent Biomedical Applications" (AG Karnaushenko & AG Zhu & AG Schmidt)
    • P19: Pavel Fedorov et al. "3D Racetrack Memory Based on the Current-induced Motion of Chiral Domain Walls" (AG Karnaushenko & AG Schmidt)
    • P20: Andreas Morschhauser et al. "Locally Selective Immobilization of DNA Origami for Raman Spectroscopy Based Biosensors" (AG Otto)
    • P21: Martin Möbius et al. "Single-photon Based Spectrometer for the Detection of Endocrine Disruptors" (AG Otto)
    • P25: Lukas Hertling et al. "The Deposition of Cobalt Phthalocyanine on Gold Substrates Studied by Conventional and Nano-FTIR Spectroscopy" (AG Zahn)
    • P26: Narmina O. Balayeva et al. "Investigation of the Impact of Plasmonic Gold Nanoparticles TiO2 Thin Films for Enhanced Photocatalytic Acetone" (AG Zahn)
    • P27: Oleksandr Selyshchev et al. "Colloidal Synthesis of Novel Cation-substituted Quarternary Chalcogenide Nanocrystals Cu2XSnS4 (X = Zn, Ni, Fe, Co)" (AG Zahn)
    • P28: Simon Böttger, Sascha Hermann et al. "Nanomaterial-based Platform Electronics for Hybrid Hardware Security" (AG Schulz)
    • P29: Martin Hartmann, Sascha Hermann et al. "Metal Stacks as CNT-FET Contacts" (AG Schulz)
    • P30: Florian Fuchs, Jörg Schuster et al. "DiMoGraph: Towards Digital Models of Graphene-based Conductor Materials" (AG Schulz)
    • P31: Marius Hirschfeld et al. "Ferrocene-based Polymers for Energy Storage Applications" (AG Lang)
    • P32: Sebastian Notz et al. "Organometallic Complexes for Molecular Electronics and Wires" (AG Lang)
    • P33: Sebastian Scharf et al. "Complexes for CVD, ALD, and Spin Coating Applications" (AG Lang)
    • P34: Alexander Voigt et al. "Printed and Spray-coated Electronics/Magnetics on (Flexible) Materials" (AG Lang)
    • P35: Chris Stöckel et al. "Nanostructured Photonic Integrated Circuit Technology and Characterization Platform" (AG Hiller & AG Schulz)
    • P36: Niklas Liebing et al. "Spintronic Layers for Sensor and Memory Applications" (AG Schulz & AG Salvan)
    • P37: Sebastian Scharf et al. "Nanostructured Materials: From Twin Polymerization to Thin Films" (AG Lang)
    • P38: Sebastian Notz et al. "Aromatic Molecules for Nanoelectronics" (AG Lang)
  • 3:00 p.m. MAIN General Assembly §8 MAIN Directive (upon separate invitation only)

Talk Session and Closing (Venue: MAIN Conference Room C50.001-002)

  • 4:00 p.m. Prof. Dr. Dietrich R. T. Zahn: "Quantum Dots: Synthesis, Characterisation, and Applications in Thin Films"
  • 4:30 p.m. Prof. Dr. Bernhard Wunderle: “Thermo-mechanical Characterisation of Micro- and Nanostructures at Cryogenic Temperatures for Quantum Computing Applications"
  • 5:00 p.m. Closing of the MAIN Annual Meeting 2023 by the Scientific Director Prof. Oliver G. Schmidt

MAIN Lecture on Tuesday, April 12nd, 2022

  • Speaker: Prof. Dr. Jörg Frömel (Micro Systems Integration Center, Advanced Institute for Materials Research, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan)
  • Topic: The Stress-Impedance Effect and its Application for Thin-Film Sensors
  • Contact: Prof. Dr. Thomas Otto (phone 0371/531-36650, e-mail: thomas.otto@etit.tu-chemnitz.de)

MAIN Lecture on Monday, May 23rd, 2022

  • Speaker: Prof. Dr. John S. McCaskill (Chemelion Inc. and European Centre for Living Technology, Venice, Italy)
  • Topic: Autonomous Electronic Chemistry with CMOS Chiplets: from Microscopic Lablets to Robotic Micro-Thread for Medical Applications
  • Contact: Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt (phone 0371/531-36761, e-mail: oliver.schmidt@main.tu-chemnitz.de)

MAIN Lecture on Tuesday, June 21st, 2022

  • Speaker: Prof. Dr. Silvia Mittler (Laboratory of Photonics of Surfaces and Interfaces, Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Western Ontario, Canada)
  • Topic: Nanoscopic Approach for Sensing, Microscopy and Thin-Film Technology: Gold Nanoparticles, Waveguide Evanescent-Field Microscopies and Collagene LP Films
  • Contact: Prof. Dr. Dietrich R. T. Zahn (phone 0371/531-33036, e-mail: zahn@physik.tu-chemnitz.de)

MAIN Lecture on Monday, June 27th, 2022

  • Speaker: Prof. Dr. Marlen Gabriele Arnold (TU Chemnitz, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Professorship Corporate Environmental Management and Sustainability)
  • Topic: Internet-of-Things (IoT) and Sustainability a Viable Connection?
  • Contact: Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt (phone 0371/531-36761, e-mail: oliver.schmidt@main.tu-chemnitz.de)

MAIN Lecture on Thursday, June 30th, 2022

  • Speaker: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Danny Kowerko (TU Chemnitz, Faculty of Computer Science, Research Focus Smart Multimedia Systems)
  • Topic: AI-based Development and Evaluation of Algorithms in Various Application Domains
  • Contact: Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt (phone 0371/531-36761, e-mail: oliver.schmidt@main.tu-chemnitz.de

MAIN Lecture on Wednesday, July 6th, 2022

  • Speaker: Prof. Cheol-Gi Kim (Department of Emerging Materials Science, Daegu Gyeongbuk Institute of Science and Technology [DGIST], Daegu, Republic of Korea)
  • Topic: Novel Magnetophoresis towards Multiplex Living Cell Tweezers
  • Contact: Dr. Daniil Karnaushenko (phone 0371/531-37773, e-mail: daniil.karnaushenko@main.tu-chemnitz.de)

MAIN Lecture on Thursday, July 14th, 2022

  • Speaker: Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. Anjana Devi (Ruhr Universität Bochum, Professorship Inorganic Materials Chemistry, Bochum, Germany)
  • Topic: New Chemical Approaches towards 2D Materials: The Impact of Precursors on Material Fabrication
  • Contact: Dr. Jörg Schuster (phone 0371/531-33013, e-mail: joerg.schuster@zfm.tu-chemnitz.de)

MAIN Lecture on Wednesday, July 20th, 2022

  • Speaker: Prof. Dr. Alexandra Bendixen (TU Chemnitz, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Institute of Physics, Professorship Structure and Function of Cognitive Systems)
  • Topic: Human Audiovisual Sensing and Cognition in the Virtual and the Real World
  • Contact: Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt (phone 0371/531-36761, e-mail: oliver.schmidt@main.tu-chemnitz.de)

MAIN Lecture on Monday, September 19th, 2022

  • Speaker: Prof. Dr. Leonid Ionov (University of Bayreuth, Department of Engineering, Professorship Biofabrication, Bayreuth, Germany)
  • Topic: Possibilities and Limitations of 4D Biofabrication
  • Contact: Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt (phone 0371/531-36761, e-mail: oliver.schmidt@main.tu-chemnitz.de)

MAIN Lecture on Wednesday, November 9th, 2022

  • Speaker: ChA Prof. Dr. med. Matthias Kirsch (Asklepios Hospitals Schildautal, Department of Neurosurgery, Seesen, Germany)
  • Topic: Label-free imaging of cells and tissues – applications for neuroscience
  • Contact: Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt (phone 0371/531-36761, e-mail: oliver.schmidt@main.tu-chemnitz.de)

MAIN Lecture on Thursday, November 10th, 2022

  • Speaker: Prof. Dr. Ir. Leon Abelmann (TU Delft, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science (EEMCS), Department of Microelectronics, Delft, The Netherlands)
  • Topic: Three-Dimensional Self-Assembly using Dipolar Interaction
  • Contact: Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt (phone 0371/531-36761, e-mail: oliver.schmidt@main.tu-chemnitz.de)

MAIN User Forum on Tuesday, February 01, 2022

  • Events at 1:00 p.m. and 3:30 p.m.:

    • Speaker: Members of the MAIN Management Office
    • Topic: Annual Safety Instructions for all MAIN Users
    • Venue: will be announced (tentatively hybrid)
    • Contact: MAIN Management Office (phone 0371/531-20100, e-mail: service@main.tu-chemnitz.de)

MAIN User Forum on Tuesday, March 29, 2022

  • Events at 1:00 p.m. and 3:30 p.m.:

    • Speaker: Members of the MAIN Management Office
    • Topic: Annual Safety Instructions for all MAIN Users
    • Venue: will be announced (tentatively hybrid)
    • Contact: MAIN Management Office (phone 0371/531-20100, e-mail: service@main.tu-chemnitz.de)

MAIN Focus Day Physics and Art on Wednesday, November 30, 2022

  • MAIN Lecture (1)(*)
    • Speaker: Dr. Tim-Otto Roth (imachination projects, Oppenau und Köln, Germany)
    • Topic: "The Physics of Arts"
    • Contact: Dr. Thomas Blaudeck (phone 0371/531-35610, e-mail: thomas.blaudeck@main.tu-chemnitz.de)
  • MAIN Research Seminar(2)(*)
    • Speaker: David Röhlig, M. Sc. (TU Chemnitz, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Institute of Physics, Professorship Theoretical Phyiscs Simulation of New Materials)
    • Topic: "Phoxonic Crystals - Fundamentals in Nature and New Application in Materials Science"
    • Contact: Dr. Thomas Blaudeck (phone 0371/531-35610, e-mail: thomas.blaudeck@main.tu-chemnitz.de)
  • MAIN Research Seminar(*)
    • Speaker: Prof. Dr. Ulrich T. Schwarz (TU Chemnitz, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Institute of Physics, Professorship Experimental Sensor Technology)
    • Topic: "Arts in the Context of Lab Courses"
    • Contact: Dr. Thomas Blaudeck (phone 0371/531-35610, e-mail: thomas.blaudeck@main.tu-chemnitz.de)
  • MAIN Research Seminar(*)
    • Speaker: Dr. Miriam Seidler, Dr. Tim-Otto Roth (imachination projects, Oppenau und Köln, Germany)
    • Topic: "Arts with Light and Sound as Means of Public Outreach: Artistic, Technical, Logistic, and Economic Aspects"
    • Contact: Dr. Thomas Blaudeck (phone 0371/531-35610, e-mail: thomas.blaudeck@main.tu-chemnitz.de)

MAIN Research Seminar on Tuesday, Jan 4, 2022

  • Speaker: Dr. Rukiya Matsidik (TU Chemnitz, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Institute of Chemistry, Professorship for Polymer Chemistry):
  • Topic: Sulfur Networks with Functional Cross Linkings for Li-S Batteries
  • Contact: Prof. Dr. Michael Sommer (phone 0371/531-32507, e-mail: michael.sommer@chemie.tu-chemnitz.de)

MAIN Research Seminar on Tuesday, May 31st, 2022

  • Speaker: Dr. Preeti Gupta (Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research Dresden, Germany)
  • Topic: Large-scale Printable Magnetoelectronics
  • Contact: Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt (phone 0371/531-36761, e-mail: oliver.schmidt@main.tu-chemnitz.de)

MAIN Research Seminar on Wednesday, June 29th, 2022

  • Speaker: Prof. Dr. Dagmar Gesmann-Nuissl (TU Chemnitz, Faculty of Economics and Business, Professorship Private and Intellectual Property Law)
  • Topic: Legal Aspects for the Dissemination and Application of Miniaturized Intelligent (Robotic) Systems
  • Contact: Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt (phone 0371/531-36761, e-mail: oliver.schmidt@main.tu-chemnitz.de)

MAIN Research Seminar on Wednesday, September 7th, 2022

  • Speaker: Dr. Thomas Feggeler (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, Department Advanced Light Sources, Berkeley, CA, USA)
  • Topic: Element-specific and Spatially Resolved Observation of Chemical and Magnetic Material Characteristics by X-ray Microscopy
  • Contact: Dr. Sascha Hermann (phone 0371/531-35675, e-mail: sascha.hermann@zfm.tu-chemnitz.de)

MAIN Research Seminar on Wednesday, November 23rd, 2022

  • Speaker: Prof. Dr. Birgit Beck (TU Berlin, Institute of History and Philosophy of Science, Technology, and Literature, Research Area Ethics and Philosophy of Technology, Berlin, Germany)
  • Topic: New Technologies - Ethical Questions
  • Contact: Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt (phone 0371/531-36761, e-mail: oliver.schmidt@main.tu-chemnitz.de)

MAIN Research Seminar on Tuesday, November 29th, 2022

  • Speaker: Przemysław Biegański, M. Sc. (University of Łódź, Faculty of Chemistry, Organometallic Chemistry, Medical Chemistry, Lódz, Poland)
  • Topic: Click Ferrocenyl-Erlotinib Conjugates Active Against Erlotinib-Resistant Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Cells in Vitro
  • Contact: Prof. Dr. Heinrich Lang (Telefon 0371/531-31673, E-Mail: heinrich.lang@main.tu-chemnitz.de)

MAIN PhD Seminar on Wednesday, May 18th, 2022

  • Speaker: Christian Becker (TU Chemnitz, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Professorship Material Systems for Nanoelectronics)
  • Topic: Micro-Origami with Magnetic Nanomembranes
  • Contact: Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt (phone 0371/531-36761, e-mail: oliver.schmidt@main.tu-chemnitz.de)

MAIN PhD Seminar on Thursday, June 02nd, 2022

  • Speaker: Yang Li (TU Chemnitz, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Professorship Material Systems for Nanoelectronics)
  • Topic: Swiss-roll Microbattery: Design, Fabrication, and Integration
  • Contact: Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt (phone 0371/531-36761, e-mail: oliver.schmidt@main.tu-chemnitz.de)

MAIN PhD Seminar on Tuesday, June 07th, 2022

  • Speaker: Tianming Li (TU Chemnitz, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Professorship Material Systems for Nanoelectronics)
  • Topic: Integrated Molecular Devices Based on Rolled-up Nanomembrane Contacts
  • Contact: Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt (phone 0371/531-36761, e-mail: oliver.schmidt@main.tu-chemnitz.de)

MAIN General Assembly 2022 on Monday, October 10th, 2022 (Scientific Program)

MAIN Research Highlights

  • Dr. Minshen Zhu: "Tiny Robots and Sensors Need Tiny Batteries" (AG Oliver Schmidt)
  • Dr. Sascha Hermann: "Technological Advances of Integrated One-Dimensional Semiconductor Functionalities" (AG Stefan Schulz)
  • Dr. Daniil Karnaushenko: "A New Dimension for Magnetosensitive E-Skins: Active-Matrix Integrated Micro-Origami Sensor Arrays" (AG Oliver Schmidt)

MAIN Research Spotlights

  • Prof. Dr. Karla Hiller: "Membrane-based Components for Optical Spectroscopy"
  • Prof. Dr. Olav Hellwig: "Magnetic Metamaterials based on Synthetic Antiferromagnets with Perpendicular Anisotropy"
  • Dr. Jörg Schuster: "Graphene-based Conducting Membranes: Concepts, Models and Material Analysis" (AG Stefan Schulz)

MAIN Research Posters

  • Sebastian Scharf, Sebastian Notz, Lukas Reiher: "Organometallic Approaches for Nanomembrane Research" (AG Heinrich Lang)
  • Dr. Vineeth K. Bandari: "'Swiss-Roll' Optoelectronic Devices enable Micro-Autonomous Systems to Harvest, Illuminate and Image the World in 3D" (AG Oliver Schmidt)
  • Prof. Dr. Michael Mehring: "Deposition of Thin Germanium Films on Flexible Substrates"
  • Dr. Lysann Kaßner: "Microporous Conductive Carbon Coatings" (AG Michael Mehring)
  • Dr. Yevhenii Havryliuk: "Flash-Lamp Annealing of Composite Thin Films of Cu2ZnSnS4 Nanocrystals and PEDOT:PSS" (AG Dietrich Zahn)
  • Dr. Oleksandr Selyshchev: "2D/0D Assemblies of Single Layer Carbon Nitride and AgInS2 Quantum Dots" (AG Dietrich Zahn)
  • Adrien Schäfer: "Chemical-Bath Deposition of MoS2 Nanoscaled Thin Films" (AG Michael Mehring)
  • Dr. Marcus Weber: "Deposition of Nanosized Amino-Acid-Functionalized Bismuth Oxido Clusters on Gold Surfaces" (AG Michael Mehring)
  • Annika Morgenstern: "Crystallisation of CoxFe(80-x)B20 Films by Oven and Laser Annealing: Evolution of the (Magneto-) Optical and Structural Properties" (AG Georgeta Salvan)
  • Dr. Florian Fuchs: "Graphene-based Conducting Membranes: Concepts, Models and Material Analysis" (AG Stefan Schulz)
  • Dr. Xiao Hu: "Modeling of surface processing" (AG Stefan Schulz)
  • Prof. Dr. Bernhard Wunderle: "Accelerated Stress Testing of Thin Metal Films by Piezo-Electrically Driven Cantilever for Flexible Electronics System Integration"
  • Dipl.-Chem. Julia Hann, Mathis Janßen: "DNA Origami as (Bio-)Sensor Platform" (AG Thomas Otto)
  • Dr. Christian Helke: "Nanopatterning for Optical Applications" (AG Karla Hiller)
Contact: Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt (phone 0371/531-36761, e-mail: oliver.schmidt@main.tu-chemnitz.de)

(1) held in conjunction with the Physics Colloquium in co-operation with TU Chemnitz, Institute of Physics
(2) held in conjunction with the Seminar "Theory, Modelling, Simulation" in co-operation with TU Chemnitz, Institute of Physics
(*) supported by the TUCculture2025 initiative in the framework of the project "Wood, Light & Sound" in co-operation with TU Chemnitz, Institute of Physics

MAIN User Forum on Tuesday, Jan 5th, 2021

  • Speaker: Prof. Dr. Karla Hiller (TU Chemnitz, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Professorship Smart Systems Integration)
  • Topic: Nanostructures on membranes for optical filters

MAIN User Forum on Tuesday, March 30st, 2021

  • Speaker: Prof. Dr. Karla Hiller (TU Chemnitz, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Professorship Smart Systems Integration)
  • Topic: Nanostructures on membranes for optical filters

MAIN User Forum on Tuesday, May 04th, 2021

  • Speaker: Prof. Dr. Karla Hiller (TU Chemnitz, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Professorship Smart Systems Integration)
  • Topic: Nanostructures on membranes for optical filters

MAIN User Forum on Tuesday, June 08th, 2021

  • Speaker: Prof. Dr. Karla Hiller (TU Chemnitz, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Professorship Smart Systems Integration)
  • Topic: Nanostructures on membranes for optical filters

MAIN User Forum on Tuesday, July 06th, 2021

  • Speaker: Prof. Dr. Karla Hiller (TU Chemnitz, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Professorship Smart Systems Integration)
  • Topic: Nanostructures on membranes for optical filters