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Chair of Factory Planning and Intralogistics
Profile and Working Areas
Chair of Factory Planning and Intralogistics 
Team members of the chair, on the right the logo of the chair

Profile of the Chair of Factory Planning and Intralogistics

The Chair of Factory Planning and Intralogistics is a competent partner for the planning and the operation of holistic production and service systems in both teaching and research. We have strong competence in modeling and simulation, the design, implementation and operationalization of flexible, integrated production and logistics systems solutions, and data acquisition and analysis for process monitoring and system diagnostics.

Co-organizing industry relevant events, and working closely with industry, the professorship focusses on theory driven practice-oriented research that matters. This is also reflected in our teaching, which focusses on preparing students for their future challenges in practice through a strong focus on process thinking and problem-solving skills.

Working Areas

|| ©TU Chemnitz


The diagram depicts the structure of the Chair of Factory Planning and Intralogistics. It is based on four main pillars. The focus on basic research and doctoral studies is supervised by the chair holder. The three main areas of teaching, applied research and transfer are each headed by a coordinator. Technical staff and a Learning Factory and Laboratory, called EDF, are directly assigned to the professorship. || ©TU Chemnitz