Curriculum Vitae
- 2015 Bachelor of Science in Mathematics, TU Chemnitz
- 2019 Master of Science in Mathematics, TU Chemnitz
- since 2019 Scientific assistant, Faculty of Mathematics, TU Chemnitz
Research Interests
- Cardinality-constrained optimization problems
- Channel preorders and Shannon-garblings
- Critical point theory
- Nonsmooth optimization
- Lämmel, Sebastian ; Shikhman, Vladimir. Extended convergence analysis of the Scholtes-type regularization for cardinality-constrained optimization problems. In: Mathematical Programming, online first (2024).
- Lämmel, Sebastian ; Shikhman, Vladimir. Global aspects of the continuous reformulation for cardinality-constrained optimization problems. In: Optimization, Vol.73, p. 3185-3208 (2024).
- Lämmel, Sebastian ; Shikhman, Vladimir. Cardinality-constrained optimization problems in general position and beyond. In: Pure and Applied Functional Analysis, Vol. 8, no. 4., p. 1107-1133 (2023).
- Lämmel, Sebastian ; Shikhman, Vladimir. Critical point theory for sparse recovery. In: Optimization (2023), Vol. 72, p. 521-549 (2023).
- Lämmel, Sebastian ; Shikhman, Vladimir. Optimality conditions for mathematical programs with orthogonality type constraints. In: Set-Valued and Variational Analysis, (2023), Vol. 31, 9.
- Lämmel, Sebastian ; Shikhman, Vladimir. On nondegenerate M-stationary points for sparsity constrained nonlinear optimization. In: Journal of Global Optimization, Vol. 82, p. 219-242 (2022).
Lämmel, Sebastian ; Shikhman, Vladimir. Shannon's comparison of channels characterized by optimal decision making. 19 pages (2019). arXiv:1906.07041
Conferences / Workshops / Schools
- EURO, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2024
- 21st EUROPT, Lund, Sweden, 2024
- WSOPT, Burg (Spreewald), Germany, 2024
- SIGOPT, Cottbus, Germany, 2023
- 12th paraoptXII, Augsburg, Germany, 2022
- HUGO 2022 - XV. Workshop on Global Optimization, Szeged, Hungary, 2022
- UNIVERS Winterschool, Chemnitz, Germany, 2021
- DMV-ÖMG Jahrestagung, Passau, Germany, 2021
- 18th EUROPT, Toulouse, France, 2021
- WSOPT, Cottbus, Germany, 2021
- DMV Jahrestagung, Chemnitz, Germany, 2020
- SIGOPT, Dortmund, Germany, 2020
- ICCOPT, Berlin, Germany, 2019
WiSe 2024/25
- Exercise: Mathematische Grundlagen der Finanzwirtschaft [Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Thomas Kalmes
- Exercise: Mathematische Modelle in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften [Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Vladimir Shikhman]
Previous terms
- SoSe 2024
- Exercise: Mathematical Foundations of Big Data Analytics [Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Vladimir Shikhman]
- Exercise: Mathematik im Investmentbanking [Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Vladimir Shikhman]
- 2019-2024
- Exercise: Game Theory [Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Vladimir Shikhman]
- Exercise: Grundlagen der Optimierung [Lecturer: Dr. Sara Grundel]
- Exercise: Mathematical Foundations of Big Data Analytics [Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Vladimir Shikhman]
- Exercise: Mathematical Foundations of Finance [Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Thomas Kalmes]
- Exercise: Mathematik I für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und -informatiker [Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Vladimir Shikhman]
- Exercise: Mathematik II für Wirtschaftswissenschaftler und -informatiker [Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Vladimir Shikhman, Prof. Dr. Thomas Kalmes]
- Exercise: Mathematik im Investmentbanking [Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Vladimir Shikhman, Dr. Dana Uhlig]
- Exercise: Mathematische Modelle in den Wirtschaftswissenschaften [Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Vladimir Shikhman]