TU Chemnitz

Faculty of Mathematics: FEM-Symposium


[FEM-Logo] [Mathematics]

The Fakultät für Mathematik of the TU Chemnitz
invites to the

25th Chemnitz FEM Symposium 2012

Final Programme

Monday, September 24, 2012
Start at 9:00, Room  N111
09:00 Opening
09:10 Thomas Apel History of the Chemnitz Finite Element Symposia  
  Domain Decomposition
Chairman: R. Herzog
Room: N111
09:35 Martin J. Gander On the origins of domain decomposition methods
Tea and coffee break 10:25 - 10:50
  Domain Decomposition
Chairman: H. Harbrecht
Room: N111
Error Analysis
Chairman: S. Bartels
Room: N101
10:50 Heiko Andrä Two-level domain decomposition preconditioners for multi-phase elastic composites Herbert Egger hp estimates for hybrid DG methods for incompressible flow
11:15 Zdenek Dostal Scalable TFETI/TBETI algorithms for contact problems with variationally consistent discretization and optional preconditioning Dietmar Gallistl A posteriori error estimates for nonconforming finite element methods for fourth-order problems on rectangles
11:40 André Massing Nitsche-based overlapping and fictitious domain methods for the Stokes problem Lennard Kamenski How a non-convergent Hessian recovery works in mesh adaptation
12:05 Steffen Weißer Finite Element Method with local Trefftz basis functions on polygonal/polyhedral meshes Mira Schedensack Comparison results for first-order FEMs
Lunch 12:30 - 14:00
Chairman: G. Of
Room: N111
Chairman: M. Braack
Room: N101
14:00 Helmut Harbrecht Combination technique based k-th moment analysis of elliptic problems with random diffusion Tobias Köppl Reduced one-dimensional modelling and numerical simulation for mass transport in fluids
14:25 Lorenz John Fast solvers for the Navier-Stokes equations with applications in arterial blood flow Jens Lang Adaptive and higher order methods in computational fluid dynamics
14:50 Boris Khoromskij Tensor numerical methods for multi-dimensional PDEs Gunar Matthies A two-level local projection stabilisation on uniformly refined triangular meshes
15:15 Martin Neumüller A parallel space-time multigrid method Piotr Skrzypacz Composite non-conforming elements and local projection stabilization for transport dominated flow problems
Tea and coffee break 15:40 - 16:15
Chairman: H. Egger
Room: N111
Optimal Control
Chairman: R. Herzog
Room: N101
16:15 Antti Hannukainen Analysis of preconditioned iterative methods for the Helmholtz equation Thomas Flaig Crank-Nicolson discretization for parabolic optimal control problems with terminal observation
16:40 Lothar Nannen Hardy space infinite elements for exterior Maxwell problems Christian Reibiger Optimal control subject to singularly perturbed convection-diffusion-equations
17:05 Viktor Rukavishnikov The weighted edge finite element method for Maxwell equations with strong singularity Fredi Tröltzsch On an optimal control problem for magnetic fields
Poster Session - Opening
17:30 Introduction (for each poster a brief description in 1 min, without slides)
Martina Balg Compressible and incompressible material under large deformations
Gundolf Haase AMG accelerated elasticity solver on GPU-clusters
Katharina Hofer High-order finite element methods for optimal control problems
Sven-Joachim Kimmerle Optimal control of coupled systems of ordinary and partial differential equations with algebraic constraints
Uwe Köcher Numerical simulation of elastic wave propagation in composite material
Günther Of Non-symmetric coupling of finite and boundary element methods for the heat equation
Johannes Pfefferer Dirichlet boundary control problems: finite element discretization and error estimates
Jens Rückert Modelling and numerical experiments for Kirchhoff plates using finite strain
Jens Saak Non-conforming finite elements and Riccati-based feedback stabilization of the Stokes equations
Hansjörg Schmidt On adaptive FEM for viscoelasticity at large strain deformations
Olaf Steinbach Coupling of finite and boundary element methods: Do we need the symmetric formulation
Carina Suciu A numerical method for the simulation of uni- and bivariate population balance systems
20:00 Meeting of the Scientific Committee
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Start at 9:00
  Plates and Shells
Chairman: C. Wieners
Room: N111
09:00 Manfred Bischoff Computational Modeling of Shells - Classical Strategies and Recent Developments
Switch to parallel sessions
  Plates and Shells
Chairman: C. Wieners
Room: N111
Chairman: J. Lang
Room: N101
09:55 Andreas Günnel Numerical Aspects of Plates under Large Deformations Naveed Ahmed Numerical studies of Galerkin-type time discretizations applied to transient convection-diffusion-reaction equations
10:20 Michael Weise An a posteriori error estimator for laminated Kirchhoff plates Malte Braack Directional-do-nothing condition for the Navier-Stokes equations
Tea and coffee break 10:45 - 11:15
Chairman: M. Jung
Room: N111
Chairman: G. Matthies
Room: N101
11:15 Sören Bartels Finite element approximation of large bending isometries Jürgen Fuhrmann Numerical modeling of fluid flow and species transport by a coupled finite element/finite volume approach
11:40 Jörg Frohne FEM-Simulation of elasto-plastic deformations with contact Gerhard Kitzler A high order discontinuous Galerkin method for the Boltzmann Equation
12:05 Christian Wieners Robust discretization and reliable and efficient error control for general first-order systems Petr Knobloch A nonlinear LPS FEM for convection-diffusion-reaction equations
12:30 Photo
15:00 Ceremonial event on the occasion of the 60th birthdays of Ulrich Langer and Arnd Meyer
Room N112
18:00 Conference Dinner
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Start at 9:00
  Advanced Finite Element Methods and Applications
Chairman: T. Apel
Room: N111
09:00 Anke Bucher Towards the direct and inverse adaptive mixed finite element formulations for nearly incompressible elasticity at large strains
09:20 Vadim G. Korneev Fast domain decomposition solvers for discrete problems with chaotically subdomain wise variable orthotropism
09:40 Michael Kuhn Non-sequential optical field tracing
10:00 Boniface Nkemzi An iterative finite element method for boundary value problems in domains with geometric singularities: Computing the coefficients of the singularities
10:20 Frank Rabold Procrack: A software for simulating three-dimensional fatigue crack growth (*)
Tea and coffee break 10:40 - 11:10
  Advanced Finite Element Methods and Applications
Chairman: O. Steinbach
Room: N111
11:10 Rene Schneider Implementation of Schur-complement-preconditioners for the Stokes and Navier-Stokes Equations
11:30 Peter Steinhorst Application of the reciprocity principle for the determination of planar cracks in piezoelectric material
11:50 Michael Thess Multilevel preconditioners for temporal-difference learning methods related to recommendation engines
12:10 Gerhard Unger Coupled FE-BE eigenvalue problems for fluid-structure interaction
12:30 Sabine Zaglmayr Sensitivity analysis for Maxwell eigenvalue problems in industrial applications
12:50 Closing Remarks

TU Chemnitz, Fakultät für Mathematik, 09107 Chemnitz
© 2006 by TU Chemnitz, Fak.f.Math. / M. Pester, R. Schneider
https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/mathematik/fem-symposium/2012/programm/ - 20 September 2024 13:26
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