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Ehemalige Professur Theoretische Informatik und Informationssicherheit
Ehemalige Professur Theoretische Informatik und Informationssicherheit

Chance Constraint Models for Multi-Failures in the Design of Communication Networks

M. Sc. Sebastian Richter
For a given network topology we suppose that the data stream is disrupted by failure of components
of the network or exterior forces leading to failures, which both can occur with a certain probability.
For each node pair of the network a routing subgraph has to be determined such that the overall loss of data
due to events that lead to failures is small with high probability. We present a cutting plane and a robust approach
which yield reasonably good solutions assuming that the failures are caused by at most two events.
Dienstag, der 21.01.2014, 15:30 - 16:00 Uhr, Raum 1/367