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Forschungsgruppe Allgemeine & Arbeitspsychologie
Forschungsgruppe Allg. & Arbeitspsychologie

User satisfaction with mobile internet usage

Project Partner


E-Plus Group




In a joint project involving Chemnitz University of Technology and the Institute for Arts and Media Management of Freie Universität Berlin a new measure of user satisfaction in the context of mobile internet usage is developed. As the third largest network operator in Germany, the E-Plus Group contracted both research partners to identify factors of relevance for the specific user experience when accessing mobile internet services. That includes e.g. aspects of network connection and the speed of data transfer as well as service considerations. Focus groups, a user survey and user tests are conducted to help establishing a reliable measure of perceived network quality.

Contact Dipl.-Soz. Claudia Mair
Staff Dipl.-Psych. Franziska Bühler, Dipl.-Psych. Cynthia Heller