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Physik: Magnetische Funktionsmaterialien
Magnetismus II (Vorlesung)

Vorlesung Magnetismus II

Der Fokus dieses Moduls liegt auf dem Magnetismus und den magnetischen Materialien dünner Schichtsysteme und Nanostrukturen, sowie deren Anwendungen im Bereich der Datenspeicherung und Sensorik (Spintronics).

The focus of this module lies on magnetism and magnetic materials for thin film systems and nanostructures as well as applications that are connected with such systems in the area of data storage, sensors and spintronics.

Currently the plan is to offer the Magnetism II lecture as well as the corresponding Exercise Class online via video-conference call. Please contact me, if you are interested in attending the lecture until 8.4.2020. We will then hold a first organizational teleconference call on 9.4.2020 at 15:30.

I will send out the information for the teleconference call to all interetsed students that have contacted me for attending the lecture before the meeting via Email ( ). We will also discuss how we are going to organize the exercise classes in the meeting.

Normally having attended the Magnetism I class is a pre-condition to attend the Magnetism II class, as it builds upon the knowledge of the Magnetism I class.

I hope that we get at least two regular attendees for the Magnetism II class, otherwise I may have to cancel the lecture for this term due to no/very low attendance.

Deutsche Modulbeschreibung | English module description

Skript vom 09.04.2020 (Olav Hellwig)

Skript vom 30.04.2020 (Olav Hellwig)

Skript vom 28.05.2020 (Olav Hellwig)

Recorded Lectures:

Lecture of 09.04.2020 (Olav Hellwig)

Lecture of 16.04.2020 (Olav Hellwig)

Lecture of 23.04.2020 (Olav Hellwig)

Lecture of 30.04.2020 (Olav Hellwig guest lecture Komplexe Materialien and Facets of Material Science)

Lecture of 07.05.2020 (Olav Hellwig)

Lecture of 14.05.2020 (Fabian Samad)

Lecture of 21.05.2020 (Olav Hellwig)

Lecture of 28.05.2020 (Sven Stienen and Kilian Lenz)

Lecture of 04.06.2020 (Olav Hellwig)

Lecture of 11.06.2020 (Sven Stienen)

Lecture of 18.06.2020 (Olav Hellwig)

Lecture of 25.06.2020 (Olav Hellwig)

Lecture of 02.07.2020 (Olav Hellwig)

Lecture of 09.07.2020 (Olav Hellwig)

Lecture of 16.07.2020 (Olav Hellwig)

Lecture of 23.07.2020 (Bonus Ciaran Fowley)

Lecture of 30.07.2020 (Bonus Olav Hellwig)