Dr. Georg Valtin
Wissenschaftlicher MitarbeiterTechnische Universität Chemnitz, Philosophische Fakultät
Institut für Medienforschung, Professur Medienpsychologie
Telefon:+49 371 531-37694
Adresse:Thüringer Weg 11, 09126 Chemnitz
Sprechzeiten nach Vereinbarung per E-Mail
- Kognitive, emotionale und motivationale Aspekte von audiovisuellen Medien (z. B. Selektion von Medieninhalten, Erfassung emotionaler und kognitiver Zustände)
- Inhaltsanalyse von Medienprodukten (z. B. stereotype Darstellung von Berufsgruppen)
- Methoden Datenerhebung und Datenauswertung inklusive psycho-physiologischen Messungen und Eye-Tracking (z. B. Messung von Wahrnehmungsprozessen)
- Verarbeitung medialer Botschaften (z. B. Glaubwürdigkeits- und Authentizitätsmarker)
- Buxbaum, J., Müller, N. H., Ohler, P., Pfeiffer, L., Rosenthal, P., & Valtin, G. (2016). Emotion-sensitive automation of air traffic control. International Transportation, 68(1), 36–39.
- Pfeiffer, L., Valtin, G., Müller, N. H., & Rosenthal, P. (2016). The Mental Organization of Air Traffic and its Implications to an Emotion Sensitive Assistance System.International Journal on Advances in Life Sciences, 8(1&2), 164–174.
- Pietschmann, D., Liebold, B., Valtin, G., & Ohler, P. (2013). Taking Space Literally: Reconceptualizing the Effects of Stereoscopic Representation on User Experience. Italian Journal of Game Studies, 2, Special Issue on Stereoscopy.
- Ohler, P., Liebold, B., Pietschmann, D., Valtin, G., & Nieding, G. (2013). Digitale Demenz: Eine wissenschaftliche Verortung der neuen Monografie von Manfred Spitzer (Digital dementia: A scientific approach to Manfred Spitzer’s new monography).TV Diskurs, 17(1), 72–76.
- Ohler, P., Liebold, B., Pietschmann, D., Valtin, G., & Nieding, G. (2013). Der normative Wert digitaler Medien (The normative value of digital media). TV Diskurs, 17(2), 84-87.
- Eibl, M., Ohler, P., Valtin, G., & Müller, N. (2017). Ethische Herausforderungen in sozioinformatorischen Forschungsprojekten. In M. Burghardt, R. Wimmer, C. Wolff, & C. Womser-Hacker (Eds.), Mensch und Computer 2017 – Workshopband. Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.. https://doi.org/10.18420/muc2017-ws07-0423
- Rosenthal, P., Pfeiffer, L., Müller, N. H., & Valtin, G. (2017). The Long Way to Intuitive Visual Analysis of Air Traffic Control Data. In E. Bendoly & S. Clark (Eds.), Visual Analytics for Management: Translational Science and Applications in Practice (pp. 138–148). Routledge.
- Truschzinski, M., Pfeiffer, L., & Valtin, G. (2017). ELSI-Aspekte in Forschungsverbünden. In M. Burghardt, R. Wimmer, C. Wolff, & C. Womser-Hacker (Eds.), Mensch und Computer 2017 – Workshopband. Gesellschaft für Informatik e.V.. https://doi.org/10.18420/muc2017-ws07-0378
- Truschzinski, M., Valtin, G., & Müller, N. H. (2017). Investigating the Influence of Emotion in Air Traffic Controller Tasks: Pretest Evaluation. In D. Harris (Ed.), Engineering Psychology and Cognitive Ergonomics: Performance, Emotion and Situation Awareness (Vol. 10275, pp. 220–231). Springer International Publishing. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-58472-0_18
- Valtin, G. (2016). Prosoziales Verhalten in virtuellen Welten: Der Einfluss situativer und dispositionaler Faktoren im Vergleich zu realen Hilfesituationen. Südwestdeutscher Verlag für Hochschulschriften.
- Pietschmann, D., Liebold, B., Ohler, P., & Valtin, G. (2015). Development and Evaluation of an Easy-to-Use Stereoscopic Ability Test to Assess the Individual Ability to Process Stereoscopic Media. In R. Shumaker & S. Lackey (Eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science: Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality (Vol. 9179, pp. 379–387). https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-21067-4_39
- Valtin, G., & Ohler, P. (2015). Kriegsinszenierung in modernen Computerspielen am Beispiel der Call of Duty: Modern Warfare-Reihe. In F. Reer, K. Sachs-Hombach, & S. Schahadat (Eds.), Krieg und Konflikt in den Medien. Multidisziplinäre Perspektiven auf mediale Kriegsdarstellungen und deren Wirkungen (pp. 327–349). Halem.
- Valtin, G., Pietschmann, D., Liebold, B., & Ohler, P. (2014). Methodology of measuring social immersion in online role-playing games. Exemplary experimental research on social interactions in virtual worlds. In T. Quandt & S. Kröger (Eds.), Multiplayer: Social aspects of digital gaming (pp. 49–57), Routledge.
- Pietschmann, D., Valtin, G., & Ohler, P. (2012). The effect of authentic input devices on computer game immersion. Handbook Computer Games and New Media Cultures. Springer. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-007-2777-9_18
- Bornemeier, J., Kampel, S., Valtin, G., & Ohler, P. (2021, May 27–31). The Lara Conundrum. The Role of Sexualized Female Video Game Characters’ Competence [Poster session]. 71st Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Virtual Conference.
- Kampel, S., Bornemeier, J., Valtin, G., & Ohler, P. (2021, May 27–31). Towards a Twitch Toolkit: Developing A Framework for Systematic Analysis of Live Game Streaming Platforms [Paper presentation]. 71st Annual Conference of the International Communication Association, Virtual Conference.
- Pietschmann, D., Valtin, G., & Liebold, B. (2017). What is still social about MMOs? Casualization and its consequences for social interactions. In R. Kowert & T. Quandt (Eds.), New Perspectives on the Social Aspects of Digital Gaming: Multiplayer 2 (pp. 82–96). Routledge.
- Truschzinski, M., Valtin, G., & Müller N. H. (2017, July 9–14). Investigating the Influence of Emotion in Air Traffic Controller Tasks: Pretest Evaluation [Paper presentation]. HCI International 2017, Vancouver, Canada.
- Koban, K., Valtin, G., & Rogenz, S. (2016, June 9–13). Guilty pleasures? Determining the effectiveness of entertaining micro breaks for recreational purposes [Paper presentation]. ICA Annual Conference 2016, Fukuoka, Japan.
- Ohler, P., Liebold, B., Valtin, G., & Pietschmann, D. (2014, August 7–10). Measuring the Thrill of Fearful Media Experiences [Paper presentation]. 122nd APA Annual Convention, Washington, USA.
- Valtin, G., Weimeister, S., & Liebold, B. (2014, August 14¬–15). Beautiful is good: Evidence of the halo effect in attractiveness evaluations of avatars [Paper presentation]. Multi.player 2 Conference, Münster, Germany.
- Valtin, G., Liebold, B., & Pietschmann, D. (2014, August 14–15). What is still social about MMORPGs? The issue of casualization and its consequences for social interactions [Paper presentation]. Multi.player 2 Conference, Münster, Germany.
- Pietschmann, D., Liebold, B., Valtin, G., Nebel, S., & Ohler, P. (2013, September 4–6). Effects of video game GUIs on the construction of rich spatial situation models and spatial presence [Paper presentation]. 8th Conference of the Media Psychology Division of the DGPs, Würzburg, Germany.
- Valtin, G., Liebold, B., Pietschmann, D., & Ohler, P. (2013, September 4–6). Social interaction in massively multiplayer online games: An evolutionary perspective [Paper presentation]. 8th Conference of the Media Psychology Division of the DGPs, Würzburg, Germany.
- Belentschikow, V., Liebold, B., Valtin, G., & Ohler, P. (2013, September 4–6). No evidence for persuasion effects of emotional advertisement on attitudes towards social groups – the case of ageism [Paper presentation]. 8th Conference of the Media Psychology Division of the DGPs, Würzburg, Germany.
- Pietschmann, D., Valtin, G., & Ohler, P. (2011, August 10th). Induced prosocial behavior in online role-playing games: The role of avatar attractiveness. [Paper Presentation]. 7th Conference of the Media Psychology Division of the DGPs, Bremen, Germany.
- Valtin, G., Liebold, B., Pietschmann, D., & Ohler, P. (2011, August 11–12). When situation models fail: The cognitive and emotional processing of “mystery” in TV series and films [Paper presentation]. Story.NET conference, Bremen, Germany.