Teaching advisory service
We offer you individual university didactic teaching advice to provide you with comprehensive support in the design and further development of your own teaching competence. Feel free to contact our university didactics team on the following topics and challenges, among others:
- You would like to maintain your teaching at a high level of quality and would like a high didactic assessment,
- You are looking for solutions to acute teaching situations,
- You have implemented innovations in teaching and would like feedback from a university didactics department,
- You need ideas and support for changes based on a completed teaching evaluation,
- You would like an alternative qualitative form of student evaluation,
- You would like a moderated exchange on teaching with input from higher education didactics within your college.
The instruments of the „Teaching Analysis Poll“ and the „Teaching Observation“ support teaching counselling through a multimodal interweaving of perspectives. In combination, student feedback and university didactic assessment can provide decisive impulses for change and adaptation of various elements in teaching.
Teaching Analysis Poll (TAP)
The Teaching Analysis Poll is a qualitative method of interim evaluation of a course, which makes it possible to implement changes during the current semester instead of at the beginning of the following semester as in a traditional teaching evaluation. A TAP is carried out exclusively on a voluntary basis and on the initiative of the teacher.
- TAP focuses on the interplay between teaching and learning.
- TAP structures the dialogue about teaching and learning in the course.
- The students' view of their learning process is a central component of TAP.1
- Through TAP, students actively participate in shaping teaching and learning.2
- You register for TAP and make an individual appointment hochschuldidaktik@….
- On the agreed date, you finish the course 45 minutes early and leave the room.
- Afterwards, the students answer three questions about the learning facilitation of the course:
- What makes you learn most in this course?
- What makes it difficult for you to learn?
- What suggestions do you have for improvement?
- The results are discussed with the students and majority points are documented.
- In the feedback meeting, you will receive the prepared results and together we will work out ideas for dealing with the students' suggestions.
- In the next lesson, you reflect the feedback as well as the resulting conclusions to the students.
In addition to results that also come to light in traditional teaching evaluations, such as the comprehensibility of presentations or satisfaction with the theory-practice relationship, a TAP also provides very concrete starting points for teachers to change courses. It also encourages students to reflect on their own learning process.1 In this way, TAPs can support the further development of the teaching and study culture.3
You can find more information about the method here:
- 1 Frank, A. & Kaduk, S. (2017). Lehrveranstaltungsevaluation als Ausgangspunkt für Reflexion und Veränderung. Teaching Analysis Poll (TAP) und Bielefelder Lernzielorientierte Evaluation (BiLOE). In Arbeitskreis Evaluation und Qualitätssicherung der Berliner und Brandenburger Hochschulen und Freie Universität Berlin (Hrsg.), QM-Systeme in Entwicklung: Change (or) Management? Tagungsband der 15. Jahrestagung des Arbeitskreises Evaluation und Qualitätssicherung der Berliner und Brandenburger Hochschulen am 2./3. März 2015, Freie Universität Berlin (S. 29-51). [PDF-Dokument] Abgerufen von [http://edocs.fu-berlin.de/docs/servlets/MCRFileNodeServlet/FUDOCS_derivate_ 000000007948/Tagungsband_QM_Systeme_Entwicklung.pdf?hosts=local] zuletzt am 10.10.2017.
- 2 Frank, A., Fröhlich, M. & Lahm, S. (2011). Zwischenauswertung im Semester: Lehrveranstaltungen gemeinsam verändern. In: Zeitschrift für Hochschulentwicklung (ZFHE) Jg. 6/Nr. 3. (S. 310 – 318).
- 3 Universität Bielefeld (o. J.). Zwischenevaluation im Semester – TAP. [Website]. Abgerufen von [https://uni-bielefeld.de/Universitaet/Einrichtungen/SLK/lehren_lernen/lehrevaluation/tap.html] zuletzt am 10.10.2017.
Teaching observation
Teaching observation is a good idea if, among other things
- you would like to receive suggestions for changes in the way you present your courses.
- you would like to receive suggestions for intensifying communication and interaction with students.
- you would like to receive an evaluation of your teaching competence.
- you do not want to clarify the diffuse impression of „something being wrong“ with the help of an outside perspective.
- you want to have results from the teaching evaluation checked by a professional third party.
- you would like feedback on the implementation of positive factors influencing learning outcomes in your course.