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Professur Schaltkreis- und Systementwurf
Professur Schaltkreis- und Systementwurf

Course Components and Architectures (2/2, SS)

Network switch or Raspberry Pi: Almost all computers use the same basic components and organization principles. To be able to use the according architectures in the best way this course deals with improvements of the classical von-Neumann-Architecture. This course is the extension to the German Bachelor course Microprocessor technology.

The course Components and Architectures (CA), consisting of lecture, exercise and practice, deals in one (M_Es) or two semesters (M_IS, M_IC) with different processor architectures, bus systems/interfaces for Cores/IPs as well as several purchasable IPs of processor cores from 8051 and NIOS to ARM.

In the winter semester the lecture, exercise and practice are held. In the summer semester only the lecture and the practice get a sequel.

Recommended Literature

  • Winter semester: John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson: "Computer Architecture - A quantitative approach" Academic Press, 2006; ISBN 978-0123704900 (also German version available), also suitable: "Computer Organization and Design"
  • Summer semester: Peter J. Ashenden, "The Designer's Guide to VHDL, 3rd Edition", 2008, ISBN 978-0-12-088785-9

Lecture Materials

The lecture material is available at the OPAL-System.

Lecture Content

  • Repetition of important VHDL language items
  • IP cores
  • On-chip busses
  • Caching


  • Design of an ALU in VHDL
  • Adaption of an 8051-softcore to an FPGA

Students select one of the lab tasks and may work in groups of two. Every week there is a lab timeslot where you can come to the SSE computer pool and get supervision. It is also possible to work on the task at home. Please send your designs to your advisor by e-mail until 25.6.17 23:59. Subscription to the groups is possible after the first lecture in OPAL-System. You need to be registered for the exercise to subscribe to the practice. M_IS must also pass the winter practice to get admission to the exam.


On Friday, 07.04.17 a lecture is held instead of the lab in room 2/W020.

No lecture is held on 19.4.17 and 3.5.17. Those dates are used for labs (Design of heterogeneous Systems).

Consultation for the summer exam 2017 is held on 28.6.17 11:30 in 2/D316A. 2/W020.

Nummer Name Zeit Raum Details
[Seminar] []
Freitag (Wöchentlich)
(neu: C22.201)
[Übung] []
Montag (Wöchentlich)
(neu: C10.013)