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Studierendenservice und Studienberatung
Studierendenservice und Studienberatung 

Pregnancy leave

The aim of pregnancy leave is to protect the health of the student and her baby at the study place during her pregnancy, after the birth and during the breastfeeding period. The “Mutterschutzgesetz (MuSchG)” provides the continuation of the study program without risking the student´s health and, moreover, works against discriminations during the pregnancy, after the birth and during the breastfeeding period. According to MuSchG, when being pregnant, the working and study conditions are to be assessed in order to exclude potential risks. During the pregnancy, working at night or on Sundays/public holidays is strictly prohibited. Further, MuSchG provides a period of protection before and after giving birth (6 weeks before and 8 weeks after birth). The student may renounce the right by explicit statement. Students may also apply for a compensation of disadvantages in the context of Examination and study performances or may apply for a semester leave.

Information about the pregnancy/ lactation period

According to § 15 (1) MuSchG, the student is asked to inform her university about her pregnancy and the expected date of birth as soon as she knows about her pregnancy. Furthermore, she is asked to inform the respective institution about her breastfeeding, should she intend to actively participate in the ongoing study course.

Please inform the Student Service in your own interest about your pregnancy and breastfeeding period in order to make use of the protection rights according to MuSchG. Then, the university can also take all necessary steps.

In addition to the notification of your existing pregnancy or breastfeeding period, you will also be asked to provide information on your intended activities in the context of your study participation (courses, internships, excursions, examinations) during the period of pregnancy and/or breastfeeding. Based on your information, the legally required risk assessment will be prepared. The risk assessment is used to check whether the planned course of study poses a risk to you and your child. If necessary, special measures will be determined.

The information about the pregnancy can be done via the application form Mitteilung über eine bestehende Schwangerschaft which is to be submitted along with the proof of the expected date of birth (Copy of maternity log/ copy of medical certificate/ certificate of midwife) and the "Formular über den weiteren Studienverlauf während der Schwangerschaft und/oder Stillzeit" to the Student Service.

The information about the breastfeeding period can be done via the form Mitteilung der Stillzeit. If you have not yet submitted the birth certificate, please do so along with the form "Mitteilung der Stillzeit".

After that, you will receive a confirmation of receipt including references to your protection rights according to MuSchG. Moreover, you will be informed about the beginning and the ending of your maternity protection period.

Please fill in the enclosed form indicating your intended study participation (Lectures, internships, excursions, examinations). On the basis of this form, the risk assessment will be carried out. By means of the risk assessment, we will examine if your intended study participation may lead to risks for you and your baby. If necessary, special measurements are set.

If you participate in an external internship during the time of your pregnancy, you would have to report your pregnancy there separately.

If you are employed as a student or scientific research fellow, please also contact the HR department.

Our staff members from Central Course Guidance Service are happy to answer further questions. Please also find interesting information on the homepage of the family-friendly university (“Familiengerechte Hochschule”).

Useful links and information: