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Between Asylum and Reality

Asylum Seekers? They are doing much better than Hartz 4 recipients!

Life within the European Union is comfortable and grand a lot of people great rights and freedom - as long as they are its citizens.
But what about the people that have to flee from from violence, political persecution and other grievances and look for a way into the EU? Who hosts them? Currently about half a million refugees ( nearly 0,6%) live in Germany. According to the Saxon Council for Refugees 4500 live in Saxony. In contrast to that Member States on the borders of the European Union are faced with a proper flood of refugees. Solely in the small and over-indebted state of Greece one million refugees out of a population of 11 million inhabitants have to be hosted. In times of missing solidarity among the Member States, an increasing shielding of Europe's borders and rising xenophobia in states shook by the crisis people living in precarious conditions have to overcome growing obstacles in order to receive their right to asylum. Which conditions do they meet? Which prejudices are existing? Which entitlements  do they have and which structural obstacles are they exposed to? Which instruments has the EU created for a common asylum system? And who actually decides about the approval or rejection of people?

Above all the question of these's direction's compatibility with reality has to be raised.

This fact was reason enough for us to create a diverse program for a whole day about asylum and the reality behind it. Within our program artists and refugees from Chemnitz  shall have the word next to experts in order to tell about their experiences and impressions of a life in Germany..

Refuge and asylum are topics that might affect everyone of us. A critical contention with political directives and human destinies shall broaden the view of everyone being interested and curious. After all EU refugees aren't living out of reach from us - and this is also not the case in Chemnitz.

Short review @ Radio UniCC (mp3, ca. 3.5 mB, German)


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