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Forschungsgruppe Regularisierung
Forschungsgruppe Regularisierung

Chemnitz Symposium on Inverse Problems 2017

In 2017 our symposium was on tour at Rio de Janeiro, integrated into the conference.

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New Trends in Parameter Identification for Mathematical Models

Period: 30/Oct - 03/Nov

This conference congregated two distinct meetings, both focused on inverse problems and parameter identification techniques.

  • Chemnitz Symposium on Inverse Problems 2017 (on Tour in Rio)
    Organizers: A. Leitao (UFSC), B. Hofmann (TU Chemnitz)

  • Symposium on Inverse Problems in Science and Engineering
    Organizers: H.R.B. Orlande (UFRJ), M.J. Colaco (UFRJ)

One of the meetings was organized by Mechanical Engineers, while the other was organized by Mathematicians. The particular structure of this conference aimed to enforce a stronger interaction between researchers from both communities, hopefully contributing to a successful exchange of scientific knowledge.

Invited lecturers

Conference program:    Overview ;    Daliy program

The workshop was part of the special semester Parameter identification in mathematical models at IMPA Rio de Janeiro.

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