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Faculty of Mathematics
Faculty of Mathematics

Faculty of Mathematics

We offer focused teaching with personal support that opens up excellent prospects for our graduates. In the spirit of the union between research and teaching, our courses are based on current, internationally recognized research which covers both the theoretical side and its applicability in the real life. Mathematics at the TU Chemnitz: it is fun and practical!
According to the CHE University Ranking 2021, the Mathematics Program in Chemnitz is one of the best in Germany, and we are even ranked number 1 for some criteria!

16.09.2024 Str. der Nationen 33, Universitätsbibliothek, Ideenreich Workshop and Summer School on Applied Analysis
Five invited researchers from mathematical fields will each give two lectures in the moring sessions. In the afternoon sessions, participants are invited to give contributed talks or present posters about their current research. Mehr ...
24.09.2024 19:00 Peter-Breuer-Gymnasium, Georgenstraße 3-5. 08056 Zwickau The judgment of Solomon in a mathematical context
Prof. Dr. Vladimir Shikhman
On the initiative of the VHS Zwickau, the lecture series “ Cultural Heritage Mathematics and ...” is going to our neighbors. As usual, mathematics is linked to a different area in each case, with the lectures taking place at suitable locations in Zwickau. Mehr ...
26.09.2024 09:00 Reichenhainer Str. 70, Weinhold-Bau, W012 Netzwerktreffen Mathematik/Physik + E-Learning
Austausch aller interessierten Lehrenden aus den Bereichen Mathematik, Physik (etc.) aus ganz Sachsen mit dem Ziel, Bildungsressourcen auszutauschen und gemeinschaftlich Anforderungen an die Lernplattform OPAL und das Testwerkzeug ONYX zu definieren. Mehr ...
07.11.2024 18:00 Industriemuseum Chemnitz, Zwickauer Str. 119, 09112 Chemnitz Cultural Heritage Mathematics and Logistics
Prof. Dr. Christoph Helmberg
In transport, mathematical models and optimization methods have become an integral part of planning and thus of our daily activities. Undestandably for a broad audience, we explain to which extent these tasks can be solved efficiently. Mehr ...