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21.06.17 Research Colloquium "Automotive and Embedded Systems"

The coming SEfeA research colloquium and job fair "automotive and embedded systems” will take place on Wednesday, June 21st 2017 at 1:45PM in room 1/305.

Two well established companies will give a talk in the field of automotive and embedded systems to give you an insight about current trends in industry and research. This includes a discussion about job and research positions and their requirements, which makes this event especially interesting for students, who think about starting to work or do their thesis or research internship externally.

The event consists of two talks, followed by a discussion round allowing you to establish contacts and discuss your ideas personally. There is no entry fee. Due to organisational matters, I kindly ask you to let me know via email (philip.parsch@informatik.tu-chemnitz.de) if you are going to participate.
