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GAMM Student Chapter
31.3.2022: Vortrag von Prof. Laura De Lorenzis

Vortrag von Prof. Laura De Lorenzis

  • GAMM Logo

Datum: Donnerstag, 31.3.2022 Calendar-Feed

Zeit: 10:00 bis 11:00

Ort: 2/39/633 (C46.633) und https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81652043861?pwd=OGNuWkp4d0QrSUFuVVBjb1dBU2tzQT09


unserer neuen Vortragsreihe an der Schnittstelle zwischen angewandter Mathematik und Mechanik von

Prof. Dr. Laura De Lorenzis, Professur für Numerische Mechanik, ETH Zürich

zum Thema

Titel: EUCLID: Efficient Unsupervised Constitutive Law Identification and Discovery

Abstract: We propose a new approach for data-driven automated discovery of constitutive laws in continuum mechanics. The approach is unsupervised, i.e., it requires no stress data but only displacement and global force data, which can be realistically obtained from mechanical testing and digital image or volume correlation techniques; it can deliver either interpretable models, i.e., models that are embodied by parsimonious mathematical expressions, or black-box models encoded in artificial neural networks; it is one-shot, i.e., discovery only needs one experiment in principle - but can use more if available. The machine learning tools which enable discovery are sparse regression, leading to the automatic selection of a few relevant entries from a potentially very large model space, as well as Bayesian regression, which allows for the discovery of several constitutive laws along with their probabilities. After discussing the basics of the methodology, the talk illustrates its first applications to hyperelasticity and plasticity, using both artificial and experimental data, and highlights the ongoing work on further applications.

Prof. De Lorenzis wird online über Zoom vortragen, aber wir werden den Vortrag im Raum 2/39/633 (C46.633) übertragen, in dem einige Plätze in Präsenz bereit stehen. Die Zoom-Zugangsdaten lauten

Kai Bergermann is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: GAMM Student Chapter TU Chemnitz, Vortrag Prof. Laura De Lorenzis
Time: Mar 31, 2022 10:00 AM Amsterdam, Berlin, Rome, Stockholm, Vienna

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 816 5204 3861
Passcode: 401946

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