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Professur Wirtschaftsinformatik 2

Enterprise Microblogging & Ubiquitous Microblogging (#ubimic)

Our research team contributes our enterprise microblogging knowledge to the #ubimic initiative for ‚ubiquitous microblogging‘ and is partner of the #ubimic laboratory.
This research project is about transferring the Twitter model to the enterprise. Our research approach: the publish/subscribe mechanism used in microblogging is very powerful not only for communication but also for a new kind of information systems architecture.
Our aim is to create a research framework including a standard enterprise microblogging architecture. Based on this framework the goal is to create knowledge in its different sections (social, technical).

We use two different research approaches:

First, great sources of knowledge on microblogging are public microblogging services (especially Twitter). In using quantitative methods (i.e. surveys) we are going to understand its principles.

Second, we aim to improve the microblogging approach due to its functional breadth and depth. For this purpose we will use design science methods to create cutting-edge microblogging scenarios in cooperation with project partners.

Martin Böhringer