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Faculty of Computer Science
Faculty of Computer Science 

Mentorships between international and German students

The main goal of this program is to facilitate mentorships for international by German students, preferably, even before the foreign students begin their studies at the University of Technology in Chemnitz.

For solving small and big problems as well as for any questions concerning study issues, the department's students council is available during opening hours in the office 1/344 or by e-mail.

→  The website of the program can be accessed at  https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/international/incoming/patenprogramm/index.php.en

There you can either register as a mentor or simply register for the program's newsletter.

The German mentors support international students in the following matters:

  • help with questions and problems
  • they provide useful tips for orientation on the campus and in Chemnitz
  • they provide assistance with the completion of formalities and with administrative offices, which is often much easier in attendance of a German student
  • support for improving German language skills
  • introduction to campus life as a student in Chemnitz, etc.