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Professorship of RF Technology and General Electrical Engineering
Professorship of RF Technology and General Electrical Engineering 
5G 6G
Luftaufnahme Weinholdbau
Mobilfunk Antenne
Hochfrequenz Absorberkammer
Netzwerk Analysator
Pyramiden Absorber
Hohlleiter groß
Hohlleiter klein

Professorship of RF Technology and General Electrical Engineering

The professorship deals with RF frequency technologies for the next generation of wireless communication. The focus is on the development of novel antenna systems and the scientific investigation of electromagnetic wave propagation effects in three-dimensional space. For example, we are researching compact 2D and 3D antennas which will find applications in e.g. cyber-physical systems / intelligent systems, in next generation mobile communication devices (6G, 7G, ..., xG) as well as in wireless sensor systems.

With respect to the scientific investigation of electromagnetic wave propagation effects in three-dimensional space we develop innovative antennas which can be digitally controlled in their polarization diversity, resonance frequency and bandwidth, and thus enable a new quality of spectral analysis of electromagnetic waves.