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Zentrum für Lehrerbildung

Skills and Competencies in the EFL Primary Classroom

Prof. Dr. Henriette Dausend

Modul: 133134-102

Ort/Zeit: A13.221, Wednesdays 11:30-13:00


Skills and competencies are the core element when planning teaching lessons. Both aspects influence the aims, topics and methods in the English primary classroom. Therefore, it is important to understand how all aspects interrelate and how teacher are able to structure their teaching. In this course, you learn how to define skills, competencies and aims, how to find topics, how to choose appropriate methods, and how to write a lesson plan. This course builds up on skills and knowledge gained within the classes “Introduction to FL Teaching” and “Teaching Languages to Young Learners”. You are asked to create and act out a lesson in the seminar as your PL.

All information will be provided to students who signed up for this course on OPAL.

Leistung: gemäß Studienordnung