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Zentrum für Lehrerbildung

Seminar Exploring the EFL Primary Classroom

Modul LAGS-EN-BM6.2

Prof. Dr. Henriette Dausend

Zeit: Di 9:15-10:45

Ort: RAWEMA 311

Modulbeschreibung: This seminar focuses on fundamental questions on teaching English in primary school from a research perspective. We begin by summarizing the most important facts, aims and principles for good language teaching in the digital age. In addition, the seminar offers students the possibility to conduct their first own research projects concerning foreign language teaching. They will develop research questions which they derive from their own interests and experiences with teaching English to young learners. Students are asked to do their own research on foreign language teaching, discuss their ideas in class and sum up the results in their final papers.

Teilnehmer: SELAEn6
Leistung: paper
Zusatzinformation: Sign up on OPAL!