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Zentrum für Lehrerbildung

Intercultural Encounters in the EFL Primary Classroom

Prof. Dr. Henriette Dausend


Place & time: Fridays 9:15-10:45, A30.235

Module description: 

The seminar ‚Intercultural Encounters‘ deals with aspects of inter- and transculturality in the context of primary EFL teaching. Learning a foreign language is influenced by language and culture of the target language, but also the learners’ background. In this seminar, we will examine the influence of cultural aspects in the classroom on language learning and teaching. We will see how we can use the linguistic and cultural backgrounds of the learners for our teaching. Students are ask to report from their own cultural experience, their stays abroad and conduct short teaching sequence focusing on culture and language within the seminar.

This seminar will meet weekly on campus.

Register for this course on OPAL.

Course materials will be provided on OPAL.


Teilnehmer: Lehramt an Grundschulen Englischstudierende im 7. Semester
