Leiterin der Professur

Prof. Sibylle Gemming
Adresse:Reichenhainer Straße 70, 09126 Chemnitz
Raum:C60.302 (alt: 2/P302)
Karin Kretschmar
Telefon:+49 371 531-21980
Adresse:Reichenhainer Straße 70, 09126 Chemnitz
Raum:C60.302 (alt: 2/P302)
Aktuelle Publikationen
- Optimization of InGaN-based solar cells by numerical simulation: Enhanced efficiency and performance analysis,
Z. Wei, N. A. M. Al-Nuaimi, S. Gemming, Next Materials, 6 (1), 100325 (2025); online: 31 July 2024. - Optical and magneto‐optical properties of pulsed laser‐deposited thulium iron garnet thin films,
A. Sharma, O.T. Ciubotariu, P. Matthes, S. Okano, V. Zviagin, J. Kalbáčová, S. Gemming, C. Himcinschi, M. Grundmann, D.R.T. Zahn, M. Albrecht, and G. Salvan, Appl. Res., 3, e202200064 (2024). - Efficient Energy Management for Intelligent Microrobotic Swarms: Design and Impact,
M. Zhu,* J.S. McCaskill, D. Karnaushenko, V. Kumar Bandari, S. Gemming, O. Kanoun, M.G. Arnold, O.G. Schmidt, Adv. Energy Mater., 2400881 (2024). - Density Functional Investigation of [001] and [111] SiNWs and the Effect of Doping with Boron and Phosphorus,
N. A. M. Al-Nuaimi, F. Hilser, S. Gemming, Crystals, 14 (7), 585 (2024). - Stretch Evolution of Electronic Coupling of the Thiophenyl Anchoring Group with Gold in Mechanically Controllable Break Junctions,
M. Lokamani, F. Kilibarda, F. Günther, J. Kelling, A. Strobel, P. Zahn, G. Juckeland, K.V. Gothelf, E. Scheer, S. Gemming, and A. Erbe, J. Phys. Chem. Lett., 14, 5709 (2023). - Proximity-induced gap opening by twisted plumbene in epitaxial graphene,
C. Ghosal, M. Gruschwitz, J. Koch, S. Gemming, and C. Tegenkamp, Phys. Rev. Lett., 129, 116802 (2022). - Controlling excitons in the quantum tunnelling regime in a hybrid plasmonic/2D semiconductor interface,
M. Ferrera, M. Rahaman, S. Sanders, Y. Pan, I. Milekhin, S. Gemming, A. Alabastri, F. Bisio, M. Canepa, D.R.T. Zahn, Appl. Phys. Rev., 9 (3), 031401 (2022). - Describing chain-like assembly of ethoxygroup-functionalized organic molecules on Au(111) using high-throughput simulations,
Lokamani, J. Kelling, R. Ohmann, J. Meyer, T. Kühne, G. Cuniberti, J. Wolf, G. Juckeland, T. Huhn, P. Zahn, F. Moresco, S. Gemming, Nature, scientific reports, 11, 14649 (2021). - Single-molecule doping: conductance changed by transition metal centers in salen molecules,
F. Kilibarda, A. Strobel, T. Sendler, M. Wieser, M. Mortensen, J. Brender Trads, M. Helm, J. Kerbusch, E. Scheer, S. Gemming, K.V. Gothelf, A. Erbe, Adv. Electronic Mater., 2100252 (2021). - Electron Mobility of Diketopyrrolopyrrole Copolymers Is Robust against Homocoupling Defects,
Q. Wang, S.V. Lenjani, O. Dolynchuk, A.D. Scaccabarozzi, H. Komber, Y. Guo, F. Günther, S. Gemming, R. Magerle, M. Caironi und M. Sommer, Chem. Mater., 33 (2), 668-677 (2021). - Theoretical evidence for the Peierls transition in NbO2,
K. Kulmus, S. Gemming und M. Schreiber, Phys. Rev. B, 104, 035128 (2021). - Autocorrected Off-axis Holography of 2D Materials,
F. Kern, M. Linck, D. Wolf, N. Alem, H. Arora, S. Gemming, A. Erbe, A. Zettl, B. Büchner, A. Lubk, Phys. Rev. Res., 2 (4), 043360 (2020). - Topological Hall Effect in Single Thick SrRuO3 Layers induced by Defect Engineering
C. Wang, C.-H. Chang, A. Herklotz, C. Chen, F. Ganss, U. Kentsch, D. Chen, X. Gao, Y.-J. Zeng, O. Hellwig, M. Helm, S. Gemming, Y.-H. Chu, S. Zhou, Adv. Electron. Mater., 6, 2000184–1-6 (2020).
DPG - 175 Inspirierende
Unser Kollege Hans-Reinhard Berger ist einer der 175 Inspirierenden im Rahmen des 175. Jubiläumsjahrs der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft (DPG) im Jahr 2020.