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Forschergruppe Theorie ungeordneter Systeme

Mitarbeiterseminar "Order, Disorder, and Chaos"


Di 17.15 -18.45 Raum 2/SR16 Weinholdbau


12.10.2004 all group members
"Discussion of topics for the semester"
19.10.2004 U. Kleinekathöfer (TUC)
"Molecular dynamics simulations of isolated beta-subunits of F1-ATPase"
26.10.2004 Linus Gisslen (TUC)
Charge and energy transport in polymer-fullerene solar cells
(R. Scholz)
02.11.2004 Vikas Malik (TUC)
Transport and Thermodynamic Properties of Coulomb Glass
09.11.2004 Philipp Cain (TUC)
Brownian Motors
16.11.2004 Viktor Cerovski (TUC)
Scaling Theory of Localization
23.11.2004 Afshin Abbasi (TUC)
Quantum chemical investigation of the interaction between PTCDA and contact metals
(R. Scholz)
30.11.2004 Brojen Singh Rajkumar (TUC)
Self-consistent Theory of Localization
07.12.2004 PhD rehearsal
14.12.2004 PhD rehearsal
11.01.2005 Markus Schröder (TUC)
"Absorption spectra for light-harvesting systems using non-Markovian theories"
(U. Kleinekathöfer)
18.01.2005 A. Terentyev (TUC)
Theoretical investigation of excited states of C3 and pathways for the reaction C3 + C3 -> C6
(R. Scholz)
01.02.2005 Anke Freitag (TUC)
"Analyse der Gratbildung im Bereich der Mikrozerspanung"
(M. Schreiber)