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Forschergruppe Theorie ungeordneter Systeme

Theorie, Modellierung, Simulation


mittwochs, 9:15 Uhr, hybrid: MAIN C50.001-002 & https://webroom.hrz.tu-chemnitz.de/gl/joe-peh-qck


11.10.2023 ""
18.10.2023 Zhengqing Wei (TUC)
"Influence of Thickness and Defect Density on InGaN-based Solar Cells: SCAPS-1D Simulation and Optimization"
(Prof. Dr. Sibylle Gemming)
25.10.2023 Andres Pena Unigarro (TUC)
"Simulation of proximity effects in epitaxial graphene systems"
(Prof. Dr. Sibylle Gemming)
01.11.2023 Zhengqing Wei ""Influence of Thickness and Defect Density on InGaN-based Solar Cells: SCAPS-1D ...." (TUC)
Mahmoud Soleimani "Preparation and characterization of fast-switching light-emitting diodes based on Quantum Dots"
(Prof. Dr. Sibylle Gemming)
08.11.2023 Tobias Bollig
(Prof. Dr. Angela Thränhardt)
15.11.2023 Prof. Dr. Arnulf Möbius
"The metal-insulator transition in disordered solids: How theoretical prejudices influence its characterization"
(Prof. Dr. Angela Thränhardt)
29.11.2023 ""
06.12.2023 Toni Sollfrank (TUC)
"Dynamische Synchronisation komplexer Agenten auf Basis des Kuramoto-Modells"
(- nicht im MAIN)
13.12.2023 Florian Fuchs (ENAS)
"Simulation studies of graphene based conductor materials"
(Dr. Jörg Schuster)
10.01.2024 Max Huber (ENAS)
„Modeling the temporal evolution and stability of thin evaporating films for wafer surface processing“
(Dr. Jörg Schuster)
17.01.2024 Lambert Münster (TUC)
""The Griffiths phase and beyond: A large deviations study of the two-dimensional bond diluted Ising model""
(Prof. Dr. Martin Weigel)
24.01.2024 Dr. Carsten Schubert (Institut Chemnitzer Maschinen- und Anlagenbau e. V. [ICM])
"From Classical Multibody Dynamics to Load Simulation of Wind Tubines - A Brief Overview"
(Prof. Dr. Angela Thränhardt)
31.01.2024 David Röhlig (TUC)
"Phononische Kristalle in quasi-kontinuierlicher Parameterfunktion"
(Prof. Dr. Angela Thränhardt)