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DFG Schwerpunktprogramm 1459 "Graphene"
DFG Schwerpunktprogramm 1459 "Graphene" 

Call for proposals

The call for proposals for the second funding period has been published by the DFG and is available under



In the press ...

Wie lange leben Elektronen in Graphen?

Press release (in German) of the Helmholtz-Rentrum Dresden-Rossendorf from 1.12.2011 regarding project 28 "Relaxation dynamics in graphene investigated in the mid- and far-infrared spectral range" headed by S. Winnerl and E. Malic.

Das „Wundermaterial“ Graphen anwendungsreif machen

Press release (in German) of the University of Bielefels from 31.01.2011 regarding project 2 "A molecular route to functional graphene nanostructures for electronic applications" headed by A. Turchanin.