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DFG Schwerpunktprogramm 1459 "Graphene"
Über SPP1459
DFG Schwerpunktprogramm 1459 "Graphene" 

Mission of SPP 1459

The Priority Programme is devoted to the development of graphene for electronic applications. To that end, 38 projects are aimed at the following goals:

  • Optimization of existing routes and exploration of novel approaches for the synthesis of high-quality graphene.
  • Understanding and control of the electronic, structural, mechanical, and chemical properties of graphene.
  • Understanding and control of the interaction of graphene with substrates, gate materials, and contacts.
  • Fundamental understanding of the transport properties of graphene.
  • Development of graphene based electronic device concepts and demonstrators.

History of SPP 1459

The idea to implement a DFG funded Priority Programme on graphene was developed during a DFG round table meeting held in Kloster Banz in September 2008. The proposal for SPP 1459 was submitted on 15.11.2008. Final approval of SPP 1459 by the senate of the DFG in April 2009 was followed by the call for proposals in June 2009. After the deadline for proposals in October 2009, a review session was held in Bad Honnef on 21./22.01.2010. Funding commenced in October 2010. The total funding within SPP 1459 amounts to close to 15 Million Euros, excluding large scale equipment. The programme will run for a total of six years.

Additional information about the projects and the coordination of SPP 1459 can be found under the following two links: