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Professorship of Welding Engineering


25.03.2024: Start oh the 2nd funding phase of the Transregio 277 "Additive Manufacturing in Construction"


The project aims to significantly shape the digitalisation of construction. Innovative 3D printing processes are being used to completely rethink materials, processes and optimised design. Sub-project A07 investigates the structural design, the WAAM process and the component testing of complex, large, individualised steel components. The aim is to combine conventionally manufactured semi-finished products with additively manufactured, complex steel components. A digital twin is used to evaluate the WAAM components, which takes into account process data, resulting local material properties and imperfections. The physical and virtual products are evaluated together in order to learn more about this novel manufacturing method and the resilience of the components. Link to the project: trr277
20.11.2023: Studies workshops for pupils
What does it feel like to study? This question was explored by 89 pupils from a regional grammar school from 4 to 8 March 2024 as part of their interdisciplinary lessons at Chemnitz University of Technology. During the eventful university week, the pupils were able to "get a taste" of the main areas of possible study subjects and familiarise themselves with everyday life at university. One highlight was the workshop "Joining with electricity" offered by the professorship, where the students were able to weld themselves. We hope that we will be able to welcome some of the pupils as students in technical disciplines later on...

Schüler beim Schweißen

20.11.2023: Semester kick-off meeting of the DVS student group
In November 2023, we welcomed six new members to the DVS student group. The group is open to all students at Chemnitz University of Technology with an interest in joining technology. Regular meetings enable practical experience with various manual welding processes, independent welding and the production of your own welded constructions. The intensive contact with the Chair of Welding Technology should also make it easier to arrange internships, student projects and HIWI jobs. Interested students are welcome to contact us via the OPAL-Gruppe


25.09.2023: WGF Assistant Seminar in Berlin


The 44th assistant seminar of the Scientific Society for Joining Technology took place from 20-22 September. Young scientists from eight research institutes presented their research results to each other and exchanged ideas intensively on a professional and personal level. This year's host, the TU Berlin, also organised an attractive supporting programme.
15.09.2023: World Fair Welding and Cutting is back
From 11-15 September, the worldwide welding technology exhibition took place in Essen. Staff members of our professorship held numerous discussions on possible research activities and informed themselves about the latest developments in the field of welding technology

In the parallel DVS Congress, we also presented the results of completed research projects.

Schweißen und Schneiden

26.07.2023: Successful participation at IIW Conference in Singapore
A delegation of the professorship was present at the International Conference of the International Institute of Welding (IIW) from 16-21 July.

Current research results of the professorship were presented and discussed in various working groups. The focus was on additive manufacturing, the behaviour of metals during welding and the assessment of welding fumes.

Prof. Hensel also acted as chairmans of working group XIII/06 "Residual Stress Effects in fatigue".


03.07.2023: Prof. Wilhelm successfully habilitated

Gruppenbild Habilitation

On 3 July, Prof. Wilhelm (3rd from the left in the picture) successfully completed his habilitation procedure.

He researched in parallel at the professorship and at the FH Munich on the topic of "Analysis and optimisation of GMAW build-up welding of ferrous, abrasion-resistant protective coatings".
03.06.2023: Great interest for the University Day
On 3 June, the university opened its doors and experienced a rush of interested visitors.

The Chair of Welding Technology participated in the hands-on and experience offer of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering. Visitors were able to try out various welding techniques and make their own small souvenirs. Tag der offenen Tür

Tag der offenen Tür

03.05.2023: DVS Expert Committee "Occupational Safety and Environmental Protection" meets in Chemnitz
On 3 May, the Chair of Welding Technology hosted the spring meeting of the Expert Committee Q6 of the DVS Research Association. The committee is concerned with questions of occupational health and safety in welding and supervises research projects on this topic.

Fachausschuss Q6

28.04.2023: New online conference room opened
Our former open-plan office has been converted into an online conference room. Equipped with a modern conference system and a large 86-inch touchscreen monitor, online meetings and hybrid events can be realised in high picture and sound quality.


22.03.2023: DVS Expert Committee "Arc Welding" meets in Chemnitz
On 22.03. the Chair of Welding Technology hosted the spring meeting of the Technical Committee 3 of the DVS Research Association. In this committee, projects for application-related research in the field of arc welding are coordinated throughout Germany and new research projects are initiated.

Fachausschuss 3

03.03.2023: Trial study for pupils
From 27 February to 3 March, more than one hundred students from the 11th grade of the vocational high school of the BSZ für Technik und Wirtschaft "Julius Weisbach" Freiberg exchanged their school desk for a seat in the auditorium of the TU Chemnitz. They participated in the interdisciplinary teaching project and gained an insight into student life. In addition to classical lectures, our professorship offered a lot of practical content. The students were able to try out welding and soldering equipment themselves. We hope to be able to welcome as many of the young people as possible as students at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering in the future.

Fäerübergreifender Unterricht