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Arbeitsgruppe Algebra
Arbeitsgruppe Algebra 

Introduction to D-Modules II (Fall term 2022)


This lecture is the follow-up from the spring term's "Introduction to D-modules" class. It aims at giving a leisure introduction to the field of algebraic analysis, that is, the algebraic study of linear partial differential equations with polynomial coefficients. We will start with basics on differential operators and the Weyl algebra as well as on vector bundles with connections. We will discuss the notion of holonomicity and how this gives finiteness restrictions on the solutions of a D-module. Depending on time and audience, we will go into some details of direct and inverse images, give the statement of the Riemann-Hilbert correspondence, explain some facts about filtered D-modules as well as on the V-filtration and Bernstein-Sato polynomials.


  • Christian Schnell: Algebraic D-modules (graduate course), Lecture notes
  • Ryoshi Hotta, Kiyoshi Takeuchi, Toshiyuki Tanisaki: D-Modules, Perverse Sheaves, and Representation Theory (Chapter 1-8), Birkhäuser
  • Chris A.M. Peters, Joseph H.M. Steenbrink: Mixed Hodge Structures (Chapter 13-14), Springer
  • Philippe Maisonobe, Claude Sabbah: Aspects of the theory of D-Modules, Lecture notes


The lecture will be hold in hybrid form in room 2/39-633, it can also be accessed as a zoom video conference. To get the Zoom link, please register at the corresponding OPAL page which also gives you access to all necessary information to participate.