Dr.-Ing. Thomas Martin Knoll
- IP networks
- mobile networks / mobile core
- QoS / QoE monitoring and enforcement
- network security
- techno-economic analysis, life cycle cost analysis
- interdomain routing
# | Title | Author(s) | Year |
1 | Life-cycle cost modelling for NFV/SDN based mobile networks
12th Conference of Telecommunication, Media and Internet Techno-Economics (CTTE), 9.-10.11.2015 |
Knoll, Thomas Martin | 2015 |
2 | QoE Management Framework for Internet Services in SDN ]Enabled Mobile Networks
Software Defined Mobile Networks (SDMN): Beyond LTE Network Architecture. - 1. - West Sussex, United Kingdom : John Wiley & Sons, Ltd., 2015, S. 249 - 264 |
Knoll, Thomas Martin Eckert, Marcus |
2015 |
3 | SDN/NFV supported QoE Management : SDN/NFV based ISAAR Framework
EuCNC, 29.06.2015-02.07.2015, Paris, S. 798-799 |
Eckert, Marcus Knoll, Thomas Martin |
2015 |
4 | Interworking of NFV/SDN with QoE Monitoring in Mobile Networks
Zukunft der Netze 2014, 25.-26. September 2014, Braunschweig |
Eckert, Marcus Knoll, Thomas Martin |
2014 |
5 | A combined CAPEX and OPEX cost model for LTE networks
16th International Telecommunications Network Strategy and Planning Symposium (Networks), 17-19 Sept. 2014, S. 1-6 |
Knoll, Thomas Martin | 2014 |
6 | Robust Routing in ISP Networks considering YouTube Traffic Demand Fluctuations
16th International Telecommunications Network Strategy and Planning Symposium (Networks), 17-19 Sept. 2014 |
Windisch, Gerd Knoll, Thomas Martin Bauschert, Thomas |
2014 |
7 | Experience with large STEM models - how to build and how to handle them
Knoll, Thomas Martin | 2014 |
8 | MEVICO - CAPEX and OPEX evaluation results : Mobile Networks Evolution for Individual Communications Experience – MEVICO deliverable D6.1
Projektwebseite mit Abgabedokumenten zum EU Celtic Projekt "MEVICO" - http://www.mevico.org/ . - 2014 |
Knoll, Thomas Martin Staufer, Markus |
2014 |
9 | Advanced MOS calculation for network based QoE Estimation of TCP streamed Video Services
7th International Conference on Signal Processing and Communication Systems, 16 - 18 December 2013, Gold Coast, Australia. - IEEE, 2014 |
Eckert, Marcus Knoll, Thomas Martin Schlegel, Florianl |
2014 |
10 | Analysis of the Video Server Selection in the YouTube CDN
2nd European Teletraffic Seminar (ETS) 2013, September 30 - October 02, 2013, Karlskrona, 2013, 2013 |
Windisch, Gerd Knoll, Thomas Martin Bauschert, Thomas |
2013 |
11 | Interworking of NFV/SDN with QoE Monitoring in mobile networks
44. Treffen der VDE/ITG-Fachgruppe 5.2.4: Mobilität in IP-basierten Netzen, 15. November 2013, München |
Bauschert, Thomas Knoll, Thomas Martin Eckert, Marcus Schlegel, Florian |
2013 |
12 | ISAAR - a SDN enabled QoE Framework
Zukunft der Netze 2013 Application-Driven Networking 20. September 2013, Osnabrück |
Knoll, Thomas Martin Eckert, Marcus |
2013 |
13 | QoE Monitoring (QMON) Demo
IM2013, 27-31.05.2013, Gent (Belgien), 1082-1083. - ieee, 2013 |
Eckert, Marcus Knoll, Thomas Martin |
2013 |
14 | QoE Management Framework for Internet Services in SDN enabled mobile networks
19. EUNICE, 28-30.08.2013, Chemnitz, Seiten 112-123. - Springer, 2013. - Advances in Communication Networking. - Lecture Notes in Computer Science ; 8115 |
Knoll, Thomas Martin Eckert, Marcus |
2013 |
15 | A Network based Method for Quality Estimation of TCP based Progressive Download Video Services
18. Mobilfunktagung, 15-16.05.2013, Osnabrück, S. 77-82. - Berlin, Offenbach : VDE Verlag GmbH, 2013. - ITG-Fachbericht; 242 |
Eckert, Marcus Knoll, Thomas Martin Schlegel, Florian |
2013 |
16 | A SDN enabled QoE Monitoring and Enforcement Framework for Internet Services
ITG 5.2.1 meeting – Stuttgart 21.2.2013 |
Knoll, Thomas Martin Eckert, Marcus |
2013 |
17 | ISAAR (Internet Service Quality Assessment and Automatic Reaction) a QoE Monitoring and Enforcement Framework for Internet Services in Mobile Networks
4th International Conference, MONAMI 2012, Hamburg, Germany, September 24-26, 2012, Revised Selected Papers, S. 57-70. - Springer, 2012. - Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering ; 58 |
Eckert, Marcus Knoll, Thomas Martin |
2012 |
18 | LTE network design from a techno-economic perspective
Infocommunications – ways of increasing competitiveness, Almaty / Kasachstan, 27. & 28. September 2012, S. 40 - 61 |
Knoll, Thomas Martin | 2012 |
19 | Techno-Economic Modelling of Mobile Access Network Alternatives
ITG 5.2.4 meeting – Berlin 2012 |
Knoll, Thomas Martin | 2012 |
20 | An advanced network based method for Video QoE estimation based on throughput measurement
EuroView 2012, 22.-23.07.2012, Würzburg, 2012 |
Eckert, Marcus Knoll, Thomas Martin |
2012 |
21 | A Network-based Method for Measurement of Internet Video Streaming Quality
2012 |
Knoll, Thomas Martin Eckert, Marcus |
2012 |
22 | Techno-Economic Modelling of LTE Networks
ITG Fachtagung Mobilkommunikation, Osnabrück, 2012. - VDE Verlag, 2012, S. 39 - 44 |
Knoll, Thomas Martin | 2012 |
23 | Techno-Economic Modelling of LTE Networks
ITG 5.2.1 meeting – Ulm 2012 |
Knoll, Thomas Martin | 2012 |
24 | Transparent TCP to SCTP translation shim layer
11th Würzburg Workshop on IP (EuroView 2011), Würzburg, 2011 |
Manns, Daniel Knoll, Thomas Martin |
2011 |
25 | A Network-based Method for Measurement of Internet Video Streaming Quality
European Teletraffic Seminar, 14-16.02.2011, Poznan, Seiten 98-101. - Poznan : Poznan University of Technology, Poland, 2011 |
Rugel, Stefan Knoll, Thomas Martin Eckert, Marcus Bauschert, Thomas |
2011 |
26 | A Network-based Method for Internet Video Streaming Quality
1st European Teletraffic Seminar (ETS 2011), Posen, 2011 |
Rugel, Stefan Knoll, Thomas M. Bauschert, Thomas |
2011 |
27 | Techno-economical evaluation of CoS-enabled NGNs
World Telecommunications Congress (WTC 2010), Wien, 2010 |
Knoll, Thomas M. | 2010 |
28 | BitTorrent Based P2P IPTV Traffic Modelling and Generation
6th International Working Conference on Performance Modeling and Evaluation of Heterogeneous Networks (HET-NETs 2010), 14 - 16 Januar 2010, Zakopane, Polen, 2010 |
Biernacki, Arkadiusz Bauschert, Thomas Knoll, Thomas Martin |
2010 |
29 | Cross-Domain and Cross-Layer Coarse Grained Quality of Service Support in IP-based Networks
2009. - 166 S. |
Knoll, Thomas Martin | 2009 |
30 | Inter-AS Class of Service - Implementation status and test results
EuroView2009 - 9th Würzburg Workshop on IP: Joint ITG and Euro-NF Workshop "Visions of Future Generation Networks", July 27th - July 28th 2009, Würzburg, Germany, 2009 |
Knoll, Thomas Martin | 2009 |
31 | Simple Inter-AS CoS : draft-knoll-idr-qos-attribute & draft-knoll-idr-cos-interconnect
IETF 74 meeting, San Francisco, 22.-27. März 2009, 2009 |
Knoll, Thomas Martin | 2009 |
32 | Class of Service (CoS) in a global NGN
Zukunft der Netze / 8. Fachtagung des ITG-FA 5.2, 20.3.2009, Chemnitz, 2009 |
Knoll, Thomas Martin | 2009 |
33 | BGP Class of Service Interconnection
IETF Internet Draft. - Internet : Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), 2008 |
Knoll, Thomas Martin | 2008 |
34 | Class of Service based AS Interconnection
International Workshop on Traffic Management and Traffic Engineering for the Future Internet (FITraMEn 08), 11-12 December 2008, Porto, 2008 |
Knoll, Thomas Martin | 2008 |
35 | Traffic Categorisation and Inter-AS Peering
RIPE 57 meeting, 26. - 30. October, Dubai, 2008 |
Knoll, Thomas Martin | 2008 |
36 | Short report from IETF 72 in Dublin 2008
ITG 5.2.3 Fachgruppentreffen in Berlin - Protokoll und Vortragsdokument.. - ITG 5.2.3 Fachgruppenseite: http://www.itg523.de : ITG 5.2.3 Fachgruppenseite: http://www.itg523.de, 2008, S. 1 - 14 |
Knoll, Thomas Martin | 2008 |
37 | Carrier Ethernet goes MPLS-TP - current observations
ITG 5.2.3 Fachgruppentreffen in Berlin - Protokoll und Vortragsdokument.. - ITG 5.2.3 Fachgruppenseite: http://www.itg523.de : ITG 5.2.3 Fachgruppenseite: http://www.itg523.de, 2008, S. 1 - 21 |
Knoll, Thomas Martin | 2008 |
38 | Carrier grade Ethernet - the "Ethernet Upfate"
ITG 5.2.3 Fachgruppentreffen in Berlin - Protokoll und Vortragsdokument.. - Berlin : ITG 5.2.3 Fachgruppenseite -> http://www.itg523.de, 2008, S. 1 - 48 |
Knoll, Thomas Martin | 2008 |
39 | A Concept of inter-AS Priority Signaling using BGP Attributes
Networks 2008, September 28 - October 2, Budapest, Hungary, 2008 |
Knoll, Thomas Martin | 2008 |
40 | Cross-Layer and Cross-Domain QoS Signalling Using BGP
8th Würzburg Workshop on IP - EuroView2008, July 21st - July 22nd 2008, Würzburg, 2008 |
Knoll, Thomas Martin | 2008 |
41 | BGP Extended Community Attribute for QoS Marking
IETF Internet Draft. - Internet : Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF), 2008 |
Knoll, Thomas Martin | 2008 |
42 | MPLS / BGP - neue Wege bei der QoS-Signalisierung : MPLS / BGP - new ways in QoS signalling
ITG 5.2.3 Fachgruppentreffen - Protokoll und Vortragsdokument. - Chemnitz : ITG 5.2.3 Fachgruppenseite: http://www.infotech.tu-chemnitz.de/~itg/fg523/, 2007, S. 1 - 38 |
Knoll, Thomas Martin | 2007 |
43 | Robust und energiesparend durchs 2,4 GHz Funknetz : Press release and short magazine article about Embedded World 2007 presentation of ZigBee sensor network and WLAN VoIP exhibits
In: MM MaschinenMarkt - Das Industrie Magazin. - B 04654. 2007, 7, S. 9 - 9 |
Knoll, Thomas Martin | 2007 |
44 | NGN-QoS in Theorie und Praxis
6. Fachtagung ITG-FA 5.2 – Zukunft der Netze – Bremen 2006. - Bremen : Online - Universität Bremen, 2006, S. 1 - 21 |
Knoll, Thomas Martin | 2006 |
45 | Mehrwertdienste in NGN
In: CeTeiX - Das Journal zu Centrex . - 1. 2005, 21, S. 1 - 5 |
Knoll, Thomas Martin | 2005 |