M. Lowe, A. Al-Mahboob, D. Ivarsson, M. Armbrüster, J. Ardini, G. Held, F. Maccherozzi, A. Bayer, V. Fournée, J. Ledieu, J.T. Sadowski, R. McGrath, H.R. Sharma
Atomic Structure of Different Surface Terminations of Polycrystalline ZnPd
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A. Meise, M. Heggen, R.E. Dunin-Borkowski, M. Armbrüster
In Situ Scanning Transmission Electron Microscopy Calcination of Palladium Nitrate Supported on Zinc Oxide
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P. Wibner, R. Kriegel, D. Garstenauer, O. Zobac, I. Kubena, N. Rösch, T. Seyller, M. Armbrüster, K. Richter
Facile Thermodynamically-Controlled Synthesis of intermetallic Zn1-xPdx/Al2O3 and its Methanol Steam Reforming Properties
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H. Liu, X. Chen, S. Liu, Y. Du, W. Zhu, Z. Hu, M. Armbrüster, C. Liang
Catalysts Derived from Al−Ni Intermetallic Compounds for Efficient Selective Semihydrogenation of Phenylacetylen
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A. Künzel-Tenner, C. Kirsch, O. Dolynchuk, L. Rößner, M. Wach, F. Kempe, T. von Unwerth, A. Lederer, D. Sebastiani, M. Armbrüster, M. Sommer
Proton-Conducting Membranes from Polyphenylenes Containing Armstrong´s Acid
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M. Armbrüster, L. Rößner, Yu. Prots, L. Akselrud, M. König, D. Sheptyakov, Yu. Grin
Crystal Structure of and Chemical Bonding in MoNi4
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N. Zhang, X. Chen, S. Liu, J. Meng, M. Armbrüster, C. Liang
PtFeCoNiCu High-Entropy Alloy Catalyst for Aqueous-Phase Hydrogenation of Maleic Anhydride
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L. Rößner, D.T. Patiño Soriano, O. Tiryaki, M. Armbrüster
Synthesis of Isostructural Intermetallic Sn−Pb−Bi−Pt Platform Materials for Catalytic Investigations
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L. Rößner, Yu. Prots, Yu. Grin, M. Armbrüster
The Crystal Structure of Quarternary (Sn,Pb,Bi)Pt
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