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Career Service
Career Service
Career Service 
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Experimental Job Search Hacks

Zur Anmeldung

 Für Studierende (TU Chemnitz)
Zeit:15:30 - 17:00 Uhr
Trainer/-in:André Claren (Career-Service-Mitarbeiter, Bereich Individuelle Berufseinstiegsberatung, Schwerpunkt: Internationale Studierende)
max. Teilnehmer:15
Ort:Dittesstr. 15, Pegasus Center, Room 401

You followed all the advice out there? You read our guidelines from start to finish? You tried every trick in the book and you still haven't gotten satisfactory results from your job hunt? Then maybe this workshop is for you.

I've collected a number of ways to improve one's job search and I'm curious to find out how effective they are. From using ChatGPT in order to practice job interviews to automating the communication with recruiters - be amazed about what people out there have been using to gain an advantage. Together, we'll find the most effective tools and learn from each other in the process.