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Professur Praktische Informatik
Professur Praktische Informatik
 author = {Ferber, M. and Hunold, S. and Krellner, B. and Rauber, T. and Reichel, T. and R\"{u}nger, G.},
 title = {{Reducing the Class Coupling of Legacy Code by a Metrics-Based Relocation of Class Members}},
 booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th IFIP TC2 Central and East European Conference on Software Engineering Techniques (CEE-SET09)},
 series = {Lecture Notes in Informatics},
 volume = {7054},
 pages = {202--214},
 year = {2009},
 isbn = {978-3-642-28037-5},
 publisher = {Springer},