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[FEM-Logo] [Mathematics]

The Fakultät für Mathematik of the TU Chemnitz
invited to the

19th Chemnitz FEM Symposium 2006

Final Programme

Time Referent Title with abstract [and slides]
Monday, September 25, 2006
Start at 9:00
Chairman: A. Meyer
09:00 Arnd Meyer Welcome
09:05 Carsten Carstensen Convergence of Adaptive Finite Element Methods
09:55 Christian Kreuzer Convergence of Adaptive Finite Element Methods for nonlinear PDEs
10:20 Andreas Schroeder A posteriori error estimates for contact problems
Coffee Break 10:40 - 11:10
Chairman: B. Heinrich
11:10 René Schneider Anisotropic mesh adaption based on a posteriori estimates and optimisation of node positions
11:35 Matthias Grajewski Towards r-h-adaptivity in FEM
12:00 Vladimir Garanzha Discrete curvatures and optimal quasi-isometric manifold parameterizations
Lunch Break 12:25 - 13:45
Chairman: C. Carstensen
13:45 Ralf Hiptmair Edge elements and coercivity
14:35 Delia Teleaga Towards a fully space-time adaptive finite element method for magnetoquasistatics
14:55 Georg Wimmer Calculation of Transient Magnetic Fields Using Space-Time Adaptive Methods
15:20 Emmanuel Creusé Discrete compactness of the approximation of Maxwell's system by a discontinuous Galerkin method
Coffee Break 15:45 - 16:15
Chairman: R. Hiptmair
16:15 Thorsten Hohage Hardy space infinite elements for scattering and resonance problems
16:40 Roland Klose Pole condition: Numerical solution of Helmholtz-type scattering problems with far field evaluation
17:05 Michael Roland Simulations of the Turbulent Channel Flow at Reτ = 180 with Finite Element Variational Multiscale Methods
Short Break 17:30 - 17:45
Chairman: Ch. Wieners
17:45 Gunar Matthies A unified convergence analysis for the local projection stabilisation applied to the Oseen problem
18:10 Thomas Apel Non-conforming finite elements of arbitrary order for the Stokes problem on anisotropic meshes
20:00 Conference Dinner
Tuesday, September 26, 2006
Start at 08:30
Chairman: M. Jung
08:30 Andy Wathen Preconditioning mixed finite elements for incompressible flow
09:20 Ulrich Langer A Boundary Element Based Finite Element Method on Polyhedral Meshes
09:45 Sven Beuchler Properties of sparse shape functions for p-FEM on triangles and tetrahedra
Coffee Break 10:10 - 10:40
Chairman: Th. Apel
10:40 Petr Knobloch Are stabilized methods a reliable tool for suppressing spurious oscillations?
11:05 Sebastian Franz Superconvergence analysis of Galerkin and Streamline Diffusion FEM for a singularly perturbed convection-diffusion problem with characteristic layers
11:30 Miloslav Vlasak Numerical solution of unstationary nonlinear convection-diffusion problems by higher order finite elements methods
11:55 Torsten Linß Maximum-norm error analysis of a non-monotone FEM for a singularly perturbed reaction-diffusion problem in 1D
Lunch 12:15
13:50 Excursion to Augustusburg
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
Start at 8:30
Chairman: A. Wathen
08:30 Roland Griesse Finite Elements for Magnetohydrodynamics and its Optimal Control
09:20 Arnd Rösch On the finite element approximation of elliptic optimal control problems with Neumann boundary control
09:45 Gunter Winkler Optimal Control in 3D Non-Convex Domains
10:05 Klaus Krumbiegel A new iterative concept for solving linear-quadratic optimal control problems
Coffee Break 10:30 - 11:00
Chairman: U. Langer
11:00 Christian Wieners SQP-methods for incremental plasticity
11:25 Peter Steinhorst FEM for problems with piezoelectric material
11:50 Artem Semenov Vector potential formulation for 3D nonlinear finite element analysis of fully coupled electro-mechanical problems
12:10 Markus Müller A inf-sup stable local grid refinement with hanging nodes
12:35 Closing