TU Chemnitz Forschung Veröffentlichungen - aktuell Join the Joyride before it's too late! Effects of Autonomous Driving on Perceived Driving Enjoyment

Join the Joyride before it's too late! Effects of Autonomous Driving on Perceived Driving Enjoyment

Roßner, P., Scherer, S., Simon, K., Jentsch, M., & Bullinger, A. C. (2015). Join the Joyride before it's too late! Effects of Autonomous Driving on Perceived Driving Enjoyment. In Fredriksson, J., Kulcsár, B. & Sjöberg, J. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium on Future Active Safety Technology Towards zero traffic accidents (pp. 131-136). https://publications.lib.chalmers.se/records/fulltext/222422/local_22242...