Study in Chemnitz. To know what is good.

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The Fakultät für Mathematik of the TU Chemnitz
invites to the

26th Chemnitz FEM Symposium 2013

Final Programme

Monday, September 23, 2013
Start at 9:00, Room  Terrassensaal
09:00 Opening
  Multiscale Methods
Chair: Arnd Meyer
Room: Terrassensaal
09:10 Robert Scheichl Novel Monte Carlo FE methods for random elliptic PDEs
10:00 Matthias Maier A posteriori error estimation for a heterogeneous multiscale finite element method
Tea and coffee break 10:25 - 10:50
  Fluid Dynamics
Chair: Sebastian Franz
Room: Terrassensaal
Contact Problems / Elasticity
Chair: Arnd Meyer
Room: Annaberg-Buchholz
10:50 Dirk Broersen A Petrov-Galerkin discretization with optimal test space of a mild-weak formulation of convection-diffusion equations in mixed form Martina Weise On the Q2-Q0-element for (nearly) incompressible material under large deformations
11:15 Katharina Höhne On the asymptotic analysis of the stationary Oseen equations Benjamin Müller Mixed LSFEM for geometrically and physically nonlinear elasticity problems
11:40 Gunar Matthies Higher order variational time discretisations for the Oseen equations Elena Rukavishnikova The finite element method for Dirichlet problem with strong singularity of solution on the boundary
12:05 Matthias Gsell Direct numerical simulation of incompressible fluids Viktor Rukavishnikov Weighted finite element method for the elasticity problem with singularity
Lunch 12:30 - 14:00
  Time-Dependent Problems
Chair: Thomas Apel
Room: Terrassensaal
14:00 Jens Lang Convergence and adaptivity at the PDE/stiff ODE interface
14:50 Markus Bause Higher order space-time discretizations for hyperbolic and parabolic problems. - I: Motivation and schemes
15:15 Uwe Köcher Higher order space-time discretizations for hyperbolic and parabolic problems. - II: Algebraic solver and numerical studies
Tea and coffee break 15:40 - 16:15
  Time-Dependent Problems
Chair: Jens Lang
Room: Terrassensaal
Fluid Dynamics / Singularly Perturbed Problems
Chair: Robert Scheichl
Room: Annaberg-Buchholz
16:15 Lennard Kamenski Stability of explicit time integration schemes for finite element approximations of linear parabolic equations with anisotropic meshes. Kristin Held Finite Element simulations for a coupled bulk-surface convection diffusion problem
16:40 Stephan Weller Higher order Galerkin methods as time discretization for free surface flows Sebastian Franz Superconvergence for higher-order Galerkin FEM for convection-diffusion problems
17:05 Karen Kuhn Stability and efficiency of a recursive multirate Rosenbrock method Miloslav Vlasak A priori error analysis of nonlinear singularly perturbed problems
17:30 Alexander Linke On the role of the Helmholtz decomposition in mixed methods for incompressible flows and a new variational crime
19:00 Conference Dinner
Meeting of the Scientific Committee

Printable version of this programme (PDF)