Chemnitz FEM Symposium

[FEM-Logo] [Mathematics]

The Fakultät für Mathematik of the TU Chemnitz
invites to the

26th Chemnitz FEM Symposium 2013

Final Programme

Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Start at 9:00
Chair: Rene Schneider
Room: Terrassensaal
09:00 Gundolf Haase Non-linear FEM solvers on accelerator devices
09:25 Lars Ludwig SOFE - a new simple and sophisticated object oriented hp-FEM software in MATLAB.
09:50 Alexander Nikolas Breuer Towards optimal performance of SeisSol, an unstructured ADER-DG code.
10:15 Stefan Findeisen First step towards parallel and adaptive computation of Maxwell's equations
Tea and coffee break 10:40 - 11:10
  Anisotropic Problems / A-posteriori Error Estimators
Chair: Gunar Matthies
Room: Terrassensaal
Soleiman Yousef A posteriori error estimates, stopping criteria, and adaptivity for multiphase compositional flows
11:10 Rene Schneider Adaptive anisotropic mesh refinement based hierarchical refinement indicators
11:35 Ariel Lombardi The discrete compactness property for edge elements on anisotropic meshes
12:00 Thomas Apel Anisotropic mesh refinement in polyhedral domains: error estimates with data in L2(Ω)
12:25 Closing Remarks

Printable version of this programme (PDF)