Chemnitz FEM Symposium

[FEM-Logo] [Mathematics]

The Fakultät für Mathematik of the TU Chemnitz
invites to the

26th Chemnitz FEM Symposium 2013

Final Programme

Tuesday, September 24, 2013
Start at 9:00
  Isogeometric Analysis
Chair: Gundolf Haase
Room: Terrassensaal
09:00 Bert Jüttler Adaptive refinement in isogeometric analysis
09:50 Sebastian Westerheide A geometry-independent framework for coupled volume and surface problems on evolving domains
10:15 Photo
Tea and coffee break 10:20 - 10:45
  Fluid Dynamics / Singularly Perturbed Problems
Chair: Markus Bause
Room: Terrassensaal
Variational Inequalities
Chair: Olaf Steinbach
Room: Annaberg-Buchholz
10:45 Fleurianne Bertrand Least squares methods with interface approximation for two phase Stokes flow Steffen Weißer Arbitrary order BEM-based FEM on star-shaped elements
11:10 Giulia Deolmi Effective boundary conditions for compressible flows over a rough surface Linus Wunderlich Abstract L2 analysis for variational inequalities of Signorini type
11:35 Khalid Adrigal Higher order variational time discretisations for convection-diffusion problems in time-dependent domains Peter Gangl Topology optimization of electric machines based on topological sensitivity analysis
12:00 Steffen Münzenmaier Least-squares finite element methods for coupled generalized Newtonian Stokes-Darcy flow Jörg Frohne Efficient numerical methods for the large-scale parallel solution of thermomechanical contact problems under consideration of mesh separation
Lunch 12:30-14:00
14:00 Excursion

Printable version of this programme (PDF)