9. AAE Summer School on “Innovation and Intercultural Management for Sustainable Development”

Participants from Durban, South Africa

The 9th AAE Summer School 2015 will take place in Chemnitz, Germany, from the 31st August – 11th September as a joint Event of the University of KwaZulu-Natal in Durban (ZAF) and the University of Technology in Chemnitz (DEU). It is hosted by the Chair of Innovation Research and Technology Management.

This year the AAE Summer School includes participation at the XII. Chemnitz East Forum, hosted by the Chair of Organisation Studies.

Further information can be found on our Flyer here.

At this year’s Summer School we will welcome participants from ICN Business School (France), HTW Chur (Switzerland), Xiamen University (China), University of Colorado Boulder (Colorado, USA) and Drake University (Iowa, USA).

On October 3rd TU Chemnitz university news reported on the Summer School. An English version of the article can be downloaded here.
In CWG-Dialog, a magazine from Chemnitzer Wirtschaftswissenschaftliche Gesellschaft (Chemnitz Economic Society), an article about the Summer School was released in German.

Tweets from our lecturers