Chemnitz FEM Symposium

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The Fakultät für Mathematik of the TU Chemnitz
invites to the

22nd Chemnitz FEM Symposium 2009

Final Programme

Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Start at 9:00
FEM for Maxwell's Equations
Chairman: O. Steinbach
Room: “ Berlin ”
09:00 Martin Costabel Recent progress in the analysis of the convergence of FEM for Maxwell eigenvalue problems
09:50 Sabine Zaglmayr Gauging strategies for high order finite element discretizations of Maxwell's equations
10:15 Teodora Mitkova Explicit local time stepping for Maxwell's equations
Tea and coffee break 10:40 - 11:00
FEM for Maxwell's Equations
Chairman: M. Costabel
Room: “ Berlin ”
Adaptive Methods
Chairman: A. Rösch
Room: “ Schwarzenberg ”
11:00 Gert Lube A MHD problem on unbounded domains - coupling of FEM and BEM Peter Steinhorst Adaptive FEM for rotational symmetric piezoelectric problems
11:25 Jingzhi Li Convergence analysis of finite element methods for H(curl)-elliptic interface problems Agnieszka Miedlar Adaptive solutions of eigenvalue problems for PDEs
11:50 Marvin Fleck BEM-based FEM for eddy current problems Torsten Linß Robust pointwise a posteriori error estimates for time-dependent singularly perturbed problems
12:15 Sarah Engleder Boundary element methods for the eddy current model Thomas Apel A posteriori error estimates for anisotropic discretizations of singularly perturbed model problems
Lunch 12:40
Optimal Control
Chairman: R. Herzog
Room: “ Berlin ”
Flow Problems II
Chairman: T. Mitkova
Room: “ Schwarzenberg ”
13:45 Gerd Wachsmuth Regularization results and error estimates for optimal control problems with sparsity functional Christian Waluga A hybrid mortar method for Stokes problems on non-matching meshes
14:10 Johannes Pfefferer Finite element error estimates for Neumann boundary control problems on graded meshes Gunar Matthies Local projection stabilisation on layer-adapted meshes for convection-diffusion problems with characteristic layers
14:35 Karsten Eppler The two-norm discrepancy in second order shape optimization methods Markus Bause Stabilized finite element methods for nonstationary and nonlinear convection-diffusion-reaction equations
15:00 Konstantinos Chrysafinos Convergence of space-time approximations for optimal control problems related to parabolic PDE's Johannes Löwe Numerical results for the simulation of natural convection in a square cavity with stabilized finite elements
Tea and coffee break 15:25 - 15:45
Non-standard Discretisations
Chairman: G. Matthies
Room: “ Berlin ”
Chairman: K. Eppler
Room: “ Schwarzenberg ”
15:45 Tomáš Vejchodský Discrete maximum principles for linear and higher-order finite elements Markus Windisch Robust BE domain decomposition methods in acoustics
16:10 Victor Rukavishnikov The finite element method for a boundary value problem with double singularity Steffen Weißer Adaptive FEM with local Trefftz trial functions for elliptic equations
16:35 Ulrich Hetmaniuk Special finite element shape functions based on component mode synthesis Olaf Steinbach Stable coupling of finite and boundary element methods
17:00 Herbert Egger Solution strategies for systems arising from discontinuous Galerkin discretizations Alastair Radcliffe FEM-BEM coupling for the exterior Stokes problem with conforming and non-conforming finite elements
18:00 Conference Dinner (in “Fichtelberghaus”)