Chemnitz FEM Symposium

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The Fakultät für Mathematik of the TU Chemnitz
invites to the

22nd Chemnitz FEM Symposium 2009

Final Programme

Monday, September 28, 2009
Start at 9:00
09:00 Arnd Meyer Opening
Solver and Domain Decomposition
Chairman: A. Meyer
Room: “ Berlin ”
09:05 Axel Klawonn Highly scalable parallel domain decomposition methods with an application to arterial wall modeling
09:55 Roland Herzog Preconditioned conjugate gradient method for optimal control problems with control and state constraints
10:20 Sven Beuchler Quasioptimal multilevel based solvers for hp-FEM discretizations in 3D
Tea and coffee break 10:45 - 11:10
Solver and Domain Decomposition
Chairman: A. Klawonn
Room: “ Berlin ”
Flow Problems I
Chairman: T. Linß
Room: “ Schwarzenberg ”
11:10 Sander Rhebergen Multigrid optimization for space-time discontinuous Galerkin discretizations Carina Suciu Finite element LES and VMS methods on tetahedral meshes
11:35 Christoph Köstler Iterative Stokes solvers in geodynamic modeling Jaroslava Prokopova Numerical simulation of compressible flow in time-dependent domain with the motivation by the airflow in human vocal folds
12:00 Oliver Fortmeier Comparing different graph models for partitioning tetrahedral grids on distributed-memory computers Dmitry Nikolaenko Adaptive algorithms for combustion problems
12:25 Jan Březina Parallel Schur complements for solution of fracture flow problem using PETSc library Emre Özkaya Automatic Differentiation Techniques for Aerodynamic Shape Optimization
Lunch break 12:50 - 14:00
14:00 Excursion
19:00 Meeting of the Scientific Committee