3rd Colloquium innoTRACInnovative Traction Mechanisms
Chemnitz University of Technology
18th and 19th September 2024
Deutsche VersionAnnouncementAgenda 2024Review 2022Review 2020as a guestContributionsTimelineConference feesDownloadProgram committeeContact


innoTRAC.de is the domain of the International Traction Colloquium at the Chemnitz University of Technology. The organizers of the conference are responsible for the content of the web pages.


Organizational management

Chemnitz University of Technology
Institute of Materials Handling, Conveying and Plastics Engineering
Professorship of Conveying Engineering and Material Flow Technology
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Golder
Post:09107 Chemnitz
Office:Reichenhainer Straße 70, 09126 Chemnitz
Telephone:+49 (0) 371 531-23130
Fax:+49 (0) 371 531-23139
Funding association for the Institute for Materials Handling and Plastics
at the Technical University Chemnitz e.V.
Prof. Dr.-Ing. Michael Gehde
Post:Reichenhainer Straße 70, 09126 Chemnitz
Office:Reichenhainer Straße 70, 09126 Chemnitz
Telephone:+49 (0) 371 / 531-32727
Fax:+49 (0) 371 / 531-23119

Co Organizer

Technical University Dresden
Institut für Technische Logistik und Arbeitssysteme
Chair of Material Handling
Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Thorsten Schmidt
Post:01062 Dresden
Office:Münchner Platz 3, 01187 Dresden
Telephone:+49 (0) 351 463-32538
Fax:+49 (0) 351 463-35499

Content of the online offer

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Sources: Data Protection Act

Layout and editing

Peter Meynerts
Chemnitz University of Technology
Institute for Materials Handling and Plastics

www.innotrac.de - 19.09.2024, 01:59 Uhr
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innotrac.de Imprint, data protection Accessibility Print Zoom 12.09.2024