3rd Colloquium innoTRACInnovative Traction Mechanisms
Chemnitz University of Technology
18th and 19th September 2024
Deutsche VersionAnnouncementReview 2022Review 2020as a guestContributionsTimelineConference feesDownloadProgram committeeContact

Binding registration of a conference contribution

We are pleased that you want to contribute to the content of our conference. Please make your choice from the options shown below and complete the form with information about yourself, your contact details and billing data that differ from them. Please also note the information at the bottom of the page.

I would like to register the following options
Speaker of a lecturefree
Issuer of a scientific poster180,00 €
Advertisement180,00 € plus VAT
Conference proceedings40,00 € plus VAT
Poster printing40,00 € plus VAT
Personal information
Salutation* Ms. Mr.
First name*
Last name*
Contact details
City*, Country


  • JavaScript must be activated for our registration page to work properly.
  • All input fields marked with * are mandatory and must be edited.
  • All leading, trailing or double spaces, tabs, line feeds and HTML tags contained in your entries will be removed during the data transfer.
  • After submitting your registration, you will receive a confirmation of receipt on the screen and an automatically gene­rated email with the same content to check the specified email address. If this is not the case, please contact us.
  • From July 2024, the invoice will be sent to you by post as written confirmation of your registration.
  • Please pay the conference fee after receipt of this invoice and before the start of the conference.
  • In the case cancellations, 50% will be charged until 08th September 2024, then 100% of the fees speci­fied by the registration.

Data protection

The organizers take data protection very seriously. Personal data is only collected on our website to the extent that it is necessary for technical reasons. Under no circumstances will they be passed on to third parties. By submitting this form, you consent to the transmission and storage of your data for the purpose of preparing and holding the innoTRAC colloquium.

www.innotrac.de - 24.04.2024, 12:41 Uhr
Chemnitz UniversitySite plan, routeArrival, hotels
innotrac.de Imprint Print Zoom 18.04.2024