3rd Colloquium innoTRACInnovative Traction Mechanisms
Chemnitz University of Technology
18th and 19th September 2024
Deutsche VersionAgenda 2024Review 2022Review 2020as a guestContributionsTimelineConference feesDownloadProgram committeeContact


We, the Professorship of Conveying Engineering and Material Flow Technology at the Chemnitz University of Technology and the Chair of Material Handling at the Technical University Dresden, invite all interested parties to the third international colloquium for innovative traction mechanisms “innoTRAC” in Chemnitz on 18th and 19th September 2024.

The colloquium serves as an interdisciplinary platform for the professional exchange between researchers, developers and users of innovative traction and load-bearing equipment in the field of conveying and material flow technology. In addition, related topics such as materials, test methods, condition monitoring and practical applications will be discussed.

We offer you interesting presentations and scientific posters and would like to thank the speakers in advance for their support. During the conference breaks and at the evening event in the historical setting of the Chemnitz Industrial Museum, there will be ample opportunity for discussion and networking.

The colloquium is held in German and English. You are cordially invited to discuss current developments and research with the participants. You are also welcome to share this information with interested colleagues. We look forward to seeing you in Chemnitz.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Markus Golder Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. Thorsten Schmidt
Professorship of Conveying Engineering
and Materials Handling, TU Chemnitz
Chair of Material Handling
TU Dresden
www.innotrac.de - 27.07.2024, 03:43 Uhr
Chemnitz UniversitySite plan, routeArrival, hotelsEvening event
innotrac.de Imprint Print Zoom 11.07.2024