4th Colloquium innoTRACInnovative Traction Mechanisms
Chemnitz University of Technology
Autumn 2026
Deutsche VersioninnoTRACReview 2024Review 2022Review 2020Contact

Location plan, Route

Chemnitz University of Technology, Campus Reichenhainer Straße
The event location is room 001 on the ground floor of the eniPROD building (C16) on the campus of the Technical University on Reichenhainer Straße. You will find the parking spaces reserved for you in the immediate vicinity (max. 3 minutes walk). Please note the relevant signage. Parking is also possible in the marked areas. The zone on Reichenhainer Straße is traffic-calmed at 20 km/h.
www.innotrac.de - 17.02.2025, 21:02 Uhr
Chemnitz UniversityArrival, hotels
innotrac.de Imprint, data protection Accessibility Print Zoom 12.09.2024