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Fakultät für Mathematik
Fakultät für Mathematik
Alexander Elgart, Martin Tautenhahn, Ivan Veselić: Exponential decay of Green's function for Anderson models on <b>Z</b> with single-site potentials of finite support

Alexander Elgart, Martin Tautenhahn, Ivan Veselić: Exponential decay of Green's function for Anderson models on Z with single-site potentials of finite support

Alexander Elgart
Martin Tautenhahn
Ivan Veselić
Exponential decay of Green's function for Anderson models on Z with single-site potentials of finite support
Electronic source:
Preprint series:
Technische Universität Chemnitz, Fakultät für Mathematik (Germany). Preprint 9, 2010
Mathematics Subject Classification:
82B44 [ ]
60H25 []
35J10 []
One of the fundamental results in the theory of localisation for discrete Schrödinger operators with random potentials is the exponential decay of Green's function. In this note we provide a new variant of this result in the one-dimensional situation for sign-changing single-site potentials with arbitrary finite support using the fractional moment method.
alloy-type model, single site potential, fractional moment method, non-monotonicity
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