Study in Chemnitz. To know what is good.

[FEM-Logo] [Mathematics]

The Fakultät für Mathematik of the TU Chemnitz
invites to the

23rd Chemnitz FEM Symposium 2010

Final Programme

Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Start at 9:00
Special Guest
Chairman: R. Herzog
Room: “ Aula ”
09:00 Anders Logg Automated Scientific Computing
9:50 break for change of rooms
Singularly Perturbed Problems
Chairman: M. Stynes
Room: “ Aula ”
Optimal Control
Chairman: R. Herzog
Room: “ Sachsenburg ”
9:55 Petr Knobloch Local projection stabilization for convection-diffusion problems Sven Beuchler Boundary concentrated finite elements for optimal boundary control problems of elliptic PDEs
10:20 Gunar Matthies Variational time discretisations for unsteady convection-diffusion equations Vili Dhamo Numerical analysis of a quasilinear Neumann equation under minimal regularity of the data
10:45 Christian Reibiger A system of singularly perturbed convection-diffusion equations related to optimal control Johannes Pfefferer Finite element error estimates on the boundary and its application to optimal control
Tea and coffee break 11:10 - 11:35
Optimal Control
Chairman: S. Beuchler
Room: “ Aula ”
Singularly Perturbed Problems
Chairman: G. Matthies
Room: “ Sachsenburg ”
11:35 Thomas Apel Finite element analysis for H(2,1)-elliptic equations
12:00 Simeon Steinig An application of FEM methods to an elliptic optimal control problem with state constraints Simona-Blanca Savescu A posteriori optimization of parameters in stabilized methods for convection-diffusion problems
12:25 Lorenz John Stabilized FEM for the Stokes problem and an application to optimal control Naveed Ahmed Finite element methods of an operator splitting applied to population balance equations
12:50 break for change of rooms
Chairman: A. Meyer
Room: “ Aula ”
12:55 Arnd Meyer Closing