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81 Suchergebnisse

2024-02-18 | Oiger

Die 5 Megatrends der Robotik

Künstliche Intelligenz (KI), Kobotik, Mobile Manipulatoren, Digitale Zwillinge und Roboter in Menschengestalt sind die fünf zentralen Trends für die Robotik im Jahr 2024. Das hat die „Internationale Förderation für Robotik“ (IFR) in Frankfurt am Main prognostiziert. Zahlreiche Forschungseinrichtungen – inklusive der TU Chemnitz – arbeiten schon seit Jahren an humanoiden Robotern, die sich ähnlich flexibel und stabil wie ein Mensch in fremden Umgebungen orientieren können.
2024-01-04 | Automation

Researchers Develop Machine Vision System for Predictive Maintenance in Textile Industry

The Faserinstitut Bremen Research Institute (Bremen, Germany) and the Chemnitz University of Technology (Chemnitz, Germany) teamed up to develop an Industry 4.0 PdM digital monitoring system for the textiles industry. It aims at observing degrees of wear of card clothing over time and offers new possibilities for maintenance prediction and textile production planning.
2023-10-11 | techxplore

Morphogenesis of self-assembling microelectronic modules could yield sustainable living technology

A recent perspective review published in Advanced Materials this month by researchers at the Research Center for Materials, Architectures and Integration of Nanomembranes (MAIN) of Chemnitz University of Technology, shows how a novel form of high-information-content "living technology" is now within reach, based on microrobotic electronic modules called SMARTLETs, which will soon be capable of self-assembling into complex artificial organisms.
2023-10-11 | CompsMag

Our World: the Power of Sustainable Living Technology

According to a recent perspective review published in the journal Advanced Materials, researchers from the Research Center for Materials, Architectures and Integration of Nanomembranes (MAIN) at Chemnitz University of Technology have developed a novel form of living technology called SMARTLET. This technology is based on microrobotic electronic modules that can self-assemble into complex artificial organisms.
2023-10-11 | Alphagalileo

Sustainable Living Technology

A recent perspective review published in the very high impact journal Advanced Materials this month by researchers at the Research Center for Materials, Architectures and Integration of Nanomembranes (MAIN) of Chemnitz University of Technology, shows how a novel form of high-information-content Living Technology is now within reach, based on microrobotic electronic modules called SMARTLETs, which will soon be capable of self-assembling into complex artificial organisms.
2023-10-05 | Código San Luis

Desarrollo revolucionario de piel electrónica: Sensores de Campo Magnético 3D Integrados en un Sistema e-Skin

Das Forschungszentrum für Materialien, Architekturen und Integration von Nanomembranen (MAIN) an der TU Chemnitz hat bei der Entwicklung magnetischer Sensoren, die in ein System integriert werden können, große Fortschritte gemacht. Unter Verwendung einer innovativen Mikro-Origami-Technik haben Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftler Miniatur- und 3D-Gerätematrizen auf präzise Weise so organisiert, dass sie die Empfindungsfähigkeit von Haut nachahmen können. (Quelle: Google Translator)
2023-06-21 | Pledge Times

The song of the birds fades | The eavesdropping of birds in the world’s forests tells us that the winged have died down – songs are also recorded in Evo

Comparative testing showed that tuning according to the local soundscape improves the result. It is precisely in identifying Finnish birds that “Migratory Bird Spring” is more accurate than foreign applications, for example the widely used BirdNet, which is maintained by the American Cornell University and the German University of Chemnitz.
2023-02-07 | Alphagalileo

Around One Million Euros in EU and State Funding for the Development of a Sustainable Power Grid

The aim of the project is to integrate hydrogen systems into the power grid. Two main goals are being pursued - to reduce the risk of grid failures and to make a positive contribution to the energy transition through the use of hydrogen as an energy carrier.

Forschungszentrum MAIN erhält neuen Leiter

Der Nanoelektroniker Prof. Dr. Oliver G. Schmidt ist als erster Wissenschaftlicher Direktor zum Leiter des Forschungszentrums MAIN ernannt worden. (ab 00:22).

Nanoelektroniker Schmidt neuer Leiter von Material-Forschungszentrum

Der Nanoelektroniker Oliver G. Schmidt ist zum ersten wissenschaftlichen Leiter des Chemnitzer Forschungszentrums MAIN ernannt worden. Mit dieser Einrichtung an der Schnittstelle zwischen Natur- und Ingenieurwissenschaften habe die Universität in vielerlei Hinsicht Neuland betreten, sagte Schmidt.

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