TU Chemnitz

Faculty of Mathematics: FEM-Symposium


[FEM-Logo] [Mathematics]

The Fakultät für Mathematik of the TU Chemnitz
invites to the

25th Chemnitz FEM Symposium 2012

Final Programme

Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Start at 9:00
  Plates and Shells
Chairman: C. Wieners
Room: N111
09:00 Manfred Bischoff Computational Modeling of Shells - Classical Strategies and Recent Developments
Switch to parallel sessions
  Plates and Shells
Chairman: C. Wieners
Room: N111
Chairman: J. Lang
Room: N101
09:55 Andreas Günnel Numerical Aspects of Plates under Large Deformations Naveed Ahmed Numerical studies of Galerkin-type time discretizations applied to transient convection-diffusion-reaction equations
10:20 Michael Weise An a posteriori error estimator for laminated Kirchhoff plates Malte Braack Directional-do-nothing condition for the Navier-Stokes equations
Tea and coffee break 10:45 - 11:15
Chairman: M. Jung
Room: N111
Chairman: G. Matthies
Room: N101
11:15 Sören Bartels Finite element approximation of large bending isometries Jürgen Fuhrmann Numerical modeling of fluid flow and species transport by a coupled finite element/finite volume approach
11:40 Jörg Frohne FEM-Simulation of elasto-plastic deformations with contact Gerhard Kitzler A high order discontinuous Galerkin method for the Boltzmann Equation
12:05 Christian Wieners Robust discretization and reliable and efficient error control for general first-order systems Petr Knobloch A nonlinear LPS FEM for convection-diffusion-reaction equations
12:30 Photo
15:00 Ceremonial event on the occasion of the 60th birthdays of Ulrich Langer and Arnd Meyer
Room N112
18:00 Conference Dinner

TU Chemnitz, Fakultät für Mathematik, 09107 Chemnitz
© 2006 by TU Chemnitz, Fak.f.Math. / M. Pester, R. Schneider
https://www.tu-chemnitz.de/mathematik/fem-symposium/2012/programm/?Tuesday - 20 September 2024 17:48
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