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TUC Digital Programs

As part of the DAAD funding programme "International Programmes Digital (IP Digital)", the joint project "TUC Digital Programs Projects" was launched at TU Chemnitz with the aim of permanently converting the international Master's programmes "Advanced Manufacturing", "Embedded Systems" and "Web Engineering" to hybrid study formats in 2020. By the end of 2022, students should be able to enrol in these degree programmes, in which hybrid learning will then be permanently possible at any point in their studies from the TU Chemnitz, their home town or another place of residence.

The project also aims to create social activities that promote an exchange between digitally connected students and students on site. To this end, concepts for a digital orientation week and digital scavenger hunts are being developed and tested. There is a close exchange with already existing institutions in order to be able to offer all-encompassing support.

Project name: TUC Digital Programs
Funding line: Internationale Programme Digital (IP Digital)
Duration of funding: 11/2020 - 12/2022
Funding volume: 450.000,00€
Project management: Vice President for Academic and International Affairs
Prof. Dr. Maximilian Eibl
Head of the International Office
Dr. Benny Liebold
Ulrike Rada, M.A.
Staff: 2,5 VZÄ Scientific staff at three faculties
6 Student assistants support and professional mentoring
Study programmes:

Master Web Engineering
Faculty of computer Science
Head: Prof. Dr. Martin Geadke

Master Embedded Systems
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology
Head: Prof. Dr. Ulrich Heinkel

Master Advanced Manufactoring
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Head: Prof. Dr. Stephan Odenwald























The project is funded by the DAAD with funds from the Federal Ministry of Education and Research.